Your Wedding Day

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I dedicate these imagines to: @Greasergirl4life. Thank you for suggesting these to me thank you.

P.S. Read my other book Did I Find Love?

Be free to give suggestions. This is my first time writing these. Please give me feed back.




You were in the most beautiful dress, you were staring at your reflection thinking about how lucky you were. Finally your dad walks in.

"Are you ready Y/N?" He asks looking at you holding your hands. You nod and give him a hug.

As you begin to walk down the aisle, you see your groom. He is stikingly handsome in his suit. You see his best man, Johnny whisper something in his ear and Pony looks up at you. His eyes sparkle in delight. When you finally make it to the alter your dad gives you a kiss before giving you to your husband-to-be.

You and Ponyboy stare into eachother's eyes and the whole world stops, it feels like nothing can seperate you two.

"The bride and groom have prepared their own vows." The preist says.

"Y/N, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever met. I see your beauty in the sunset and hear your laugh in the winds' howl. I can't imagine anyone I want to spend the rest of my life with." He said, choking on tears. You take a quivering breath.

"Ponyboy, you have made eveyday we spend better than the last. All I want is for you to wake up happy everyday." You say, you feel tears rush down your face uncontrolably.

"May I have the rings?" he asks. You see your young nephew with a pillow, there's a ring with the most beautiful stone you could ever see. It was your birth stone. You and Ponyboy slipped the rings to eachother's hands. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." He finally says. You and Ponyboy make the kiss something to remember as cameras flash.


You're sitting in your dressing room, watching the sunset. It's almost time for you and Johnny to tie the knot. Dally knocks on the door, inviting himself in. He was giving you away since your parents didn't really care.

"Alright Y/N. Come on everyone's waiting." He warned. You stand up straigtening up your veil and looking at Dal.

"Okay. How do I look?" You ask brushing off the dust from your dress. He looks you up and down, and chuckles.

"You look stunning. Now come on, they're starting the march." He said holding out his hand. You grab his hand. As you walk you tighten your grip on his arm. "Don't worry, you're ready." Dally whispered in my ear. You looked up and there stood Johnny. His jet black hair and those brown eyes, you felt like nothing else mattered. You took a deep breath and grabbed Johnny's arm. As you walked to the alter your heart was beating even louder. The preist motioned to Johnny for him to begin his vows.

"Y/N I love you. The gold and silver of the sunset have nothing on your Y/C/E (Your Color Eyes). When you smile I feel like I'm floating on clouds. I will protect you, and love you with all my heart." He promises. He has never opened up to you like that. You blink away the tears, trying not to mess up your make up.

"Johnny, when we first met. I never thought you would ask me to be your wife. My world revolves around you. You will always be the only man in my life." You say. With a slight catch in your throat.

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