When he Wakes up Before You (His P.O.V.)

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I turned to my side on the bed, seeing my girlfriend.  She looks so peaceful sleeping.  I sneak out of bed and put on my work clothes.  I tip toe out of our room and attempt to make breakfast, quietly.  I take out some eggs.  I started to make breakfast and put a slice of chocolate cake on the plate.  I walk back to the room and she is just starting to wake up.  She looks over at me and smiles sleepily.

"Hey Pony." She greets.  I sit next to her on the bed and kiss her, giving her the food. "Why did you put cake on my plate?" She asks.

"What do you mean?  I thought you like chocolate cake for breakfast." I said pouting my bottom lip.  She took it from me and lifted my chin.

"Of course, I love cake for breakfast.  Just not with eggs.  That's all." She apologized.  I sighed and nodded.  She ate all the eggs and was starting on the cake, I put my hand over it and she glared at me.

"Oh, I thought you were going to give me the cake.  Since you know, you don't eat cake with eggs." I teased taking the plate.  She huffed and we started fighting for the piece of cake.  Best morning EVER, were my only thoughts.


I wake up in bed next to my girlfriend, Y/N.  I hear her murmur in her sleep and kiss her cheek, seeing if she'll wake up.  Nope. I decide to get ready for work.  I hear her waking up in the bedroom, like always she kind of just sits there for a while.  I walk to the doorway and lean on the frame.

"Hi Johnnycakes," she yawned.  I nodded and walked over to her, kissing her cheek.

"Good morning Y/N, how are you baby?" I asked.  She stood up, got dressed, and started doing her hair.  She looked back at me and shrugged.

"I've been better.  What made you wake up so early?" She asked putting her hair up into a bun.  I shrugged and started walking out of our room and got ready to leave for work.

"I don't know, maybe because I fell asleep earlier than usual." I answered.  She nodded and I drove her to her job that day.


I woke up at Buck's place in one of his bed rooms.  I look over and see Y/N sleeping peacefully.  Should I give her a little scare?  You know, just to start the day right.  As I try to get up the old bed starts to make creaking noises.  I close my eyes, hoping I didn't wake her up.  Man, she can get so pissed when she doesn't get her 8 hours of sleep.

I put on some pants and a t-shirt and walk down stairs to the bar.  I get a drink and light up a cig.  I don't really know what I'm drinking, but whatever it is, it tastes like shit.  I finish a drag and I realize I'm out of cigarettes, maybe Y/N has some in her purse.

As I walk into the bed room, she starts to toss and turn in the bed.  I tip toe over to her bag and slowly unzip it.  I start to empty it, and I hear her moan sleepily.  I try moving faster when I feel a hand on my shoulder.  She's wearing nothing but a bra and short shorts.  I smile innocently.

"Dally," she starts sweetly, I nod waiting for her to finish. "Can I ask why you are digging through my things?" She asks.  I look at the purse and back at her.

"Oh, this?  Well you see, I ran out of cancer sticks and I-" I was interrupted by her hand going up into the air.

"What happened to the pack that was in your jacket pocket?" She asked reaching in and pulling it out.  I smack my forehead in embarrassment.


I woke up to the most beautiful woman in the world.  My wife Y/N, I'm such a lucky guy to have her in my life.  She is still sound asleep, I'm not surprised, she had to work late last night.  I cuddle her up to my chest and her eyes slowly flutter open.  I look down at her and smile at her beautiful, half asleep face.

"Hi Soda." She says rubbing her eyes and pulling the covers over her bare arms.  I stretch, still in bed, letting her go.

"Hey, Mrs. Curtis." I said kissing her forehead.  She laughed and kissed my cheek, making my smile even wider.

"We've been married for 3 weeks Sodapop, not 3 hours." She says pushing me away from me.  I shrug and put on some jeans and my DX shirt.  I look back at her and she is still waking up from her deep sleep.

"I know, but waking up to you every day makes me remember that I'm not dreaming." I say back.  Shaking her head she walks to the closet to get ready to go to work. "What's with your head shaking?" I asked, teasing her.

"Oh, don't worry about it.  I love you Sodapop, see you when I get home." She said lightly pecking my lips.  I watched her leave the house and kept wondering how she can put up with me and the guys everyday.


I'm making breakfast for my brothers and my girl Y/N.  It's actually kind of early, like 6:00 AM.  I decide to let the poor things sleep.  I put the food on the table and turn back to the kitchen to see Y/N in her work clothes, rummaging through the fridge.

"Hey Dar." She says, still drying her wet hair.  I nod and she takes some food from the table.  I give her a confused look and she returns it.

"How did you get ready so quietly?  And how could I not hear the water running in the bathroom?" I asked.  She shrugged and looked around.

"Maybe you're just getting old." She teased me.  I just shook my head and just then Pony and Soda walked in.  She kissed all of us and gave us our lunches and walked right out of the house.  I'm still curious about how she did all of that stuff in silence, creepy.


I wake up, looking out the window.  It's still dark outside, looking at the clock it says 5:00 AM.  I look over to my wife, Y/N, who is still sleeping.  I move some hair off of her face and lightly kiss her cheek.  She sleepily smiles, from what I can see in the dark.  I sneak out of bed and get ready for work.

I walk downstairs and start making breakfast for my wife and my twins.  I hear footsteps from the stairs and see my 3 year old son Jason sleepily rubbing his eyes.

"What are you doing up little man?  You gotta get your sleep for daycare." I say moving his hands from his face.  He yawns and shrugs.

"I couldn't sleep." He says simply.  Of course, after saying this he walks over to the couch and passes out cold.  I shake my head and carry him up to his room.  When I walk out of the room and see Y/N walking out of our room.

"Steve, what are you doing up?  It's 6:00 in the morning." She whispered.  I gave her the same answer Jason gave me and she shook her head.

After she got ready for work, she walked to the kids' rooms and woke them up.  I dropped the kids off and went to work, yep just like any other day.


I walk up to me and Y/N's bed room.  She is still sleeping, on her side due to her 5 month baby bump.  I rub her stomach lightly, trying not to wake her up.  She slowly opens her eyes and smiles at me.  I return it, she moves my hand and kisses my forehead.

"Now Two, how many times have I told you I don't like when people touch my belly?" She asked me.  I shrugged and smiled.

"Well, that's why I touch your belly while you sleep baby." I say back, kissing her cheek.  She sighs and tries to sit up, with my assistance.  "I'll make breakfast and turn on Mickey while you finish getting ready." I say to her.  She nods and I walk out.  I stand behind the doorway and watch her struggle.

"Two-Bit." She whines, I laugh quietly and shook my head.

"I'm comin'." I say back.  I love waking up to her beautiful face every single day.



Sorry for the late update.  I know these are bad, but you know how it is.  Don't forget to comment and give suggestions.  Stay Gold.


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