Coming Home from the Military

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You're sitting in you room, looking through photos of you and your husband Ponyboy.  He'd been overseas for the past 2 years.  You look through the letters he sent you.  You opened one and read it to yourself.
"My love Y/N,
I can't wait until I come home to see your shining face.  I should be home soon I promise.
Love, Ponyboy Curtis" You read.  You looked at the date, he sent it a year ago.  You couldn't help but cry.  You held letter to your chest as you cried into your pillow.  You heard a knock at the door and went to answer it.
"Yes, how may I help you?" You asked as politely as you could.
"Are you Y/N Curtis?" A man in a uniform asked you.  You looked up and blinked away the tears.
"Yes.  Why are you asking?" You sounded worried.  It's gonna be okay Pony is alright, you thought to youself.
"Your husband Ponyboy Curtis is no longer needed for his services." He said in a blank voice.  You couldn't tell if it was good news or  bad.
"What are you saying sir?" You asked, he handed you an envelope and left.  You closed the door and opened the enveloped.  You prayed for good news, once you opened it you fell back in shock.  The letter inside said:  The United States Army regrets to inform you that your husband Ponyboy Curtis is no longer with us.  You sat there looking at the picture of Pony in his uniform.  It can't be true, it just can't.
*1 month later*
Today is your anniversary with Ponyboy.  You woke up and saw the giant space next to you on the bed.  You sat there for a while and watched your wedding video, every single memory came back.
You walked to the bathroom and took a shower.  You saw the bathroom all fogged up from the water.  You saw something written on the mirror: Happy Anniversary.  You excitedly put on your clothes, and ran to the living room.  You saw Ponyboy in his uniform, his arms stretched out with his bag next to him.  You jumped into his arms and cried tears of joy.  He hugged you back kissed every inch of your face.
"How did you-" You started, he held his finger to your lips.
"I got back this morning, they got the names mixed up.  They reported the wrong Curtis." He explained.  You two spent the whole day watching movies and reading letters you both had sent.  It was the best Anniversary of a life time.

Sitting alone in the lot, alone.  You were watching the sunset thinking of your boyfriend Johnny.  He's been gone for 3 years, when you walked back to your apartment there is a package at the door.
As you unlock the door you, struggle to lift the box in trough the door.  You throw the box on the floor in front of the TV.  You flick on the TV and begin to open the box with your army knife.  When you open it, you see things you could only dream of.  On top of everything was a collage of Johnny and his fellow troops.  You see 2 journals, both covered in dust.  At the bottom there is a video tape.  You put it in and grab some popcorn thinking it's a foreign movie.  It begins to play and you see Johnny on the TV.
"Y/N!  I'm here in Europe, lots of beautiful sights.  But, none like the one in Tulsa watching this video right now.  If you're watching this, it means that you finally got my care package.  I've put photos from every country.  And some things I thought you would like.  I love you, I'll be home soon." He said finishing the video by blowing a kiss.  You finish rumaging through the box and see all kinds of things.  Like artifacts and scarves, tons of accesories.  In the journals one has entries and the other has letters he has written to you.
You fall asleep after reading a few enteries.  Then the phone starts ringing, you roll over to the side where it was.
"Hello?" You answered rubbing your eyes.
"Hey Y/N, it's Johnny." He replies you instantly wake up at the sound of his voice.
"Johnny, how are you?  I've missed you so much.  I got your package I love it." You say excitedly.  You can hear him laugh from the other side of the phone.
"I can't stay on much longer, I just called to say that I love you and I miss you." He says, his soft voice soothes you.
"I love you too Johnnycakes." You say sleepily.  You hear a click, it was the longest conversation you two have had since he left.  It was the only conversation you two had.
The next morning you woke up to hear your door open.  You slowly walk out to see what it was, when you get to the door no one is there.  Then you hear whisteling from the kitchen.  Walking around the corner, in front of the stove is a man in uniform.
"Johnny?" You ask, the man turns to face you.  His eyes make you feel warm inside, he hugs you tightly.  You hug him back kissing his cheek.  He combs your hair with his hand.
"You have no idea how long I've waited to see your beautiful face.  I swear I will never leave you." He says into your neck.
"You have no idea how long I've waited to see you." You answer pulling away.  It was the best day you had ever spent with anyone in your entire life.

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