He's Alone With the Baby for the First Time (2/7)

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You had to go back to work since your maternity leave was over. Pony had the day off and you were leaving him with your daughter, Emerald. You were getting ready to leave.

"Pony, wake up." You said kissing his cheek with the baby in your arms. He opened his eyes and rubbed them sleepily. "I have to go to work. I need you to watch the baby for me."

His eyes widened in fear. "But, I've never been alone with her before. What am I supposed to do. I need your help Y/N." He rambled. You put her in his arms and kissed his cheek.

"You'll be okay. Her formula is in the fridge, and her pacifire is in her room. And you know how to change her diaper. Don't worry." You said smiling comforting him. Emerald cooed in his arms and you kissed her cheek and pecked Pony's lips. "I love you guys, I'll be home soon."

Pony grabbed the baby's hand and made her blow a kiss to you, and you playfully caught it and put it to your heart. You left and he looked down at your baby to see a matching pair of eyes. He sat on the couch with her in his arms.

"What do you wanna do Em?" He asked not expecting an answer. "Let's feed you then." He said walking to the fridge and warming her formula. "You know, you have my eyes but you look like your mommy. Especially when you're sleeping." Her eyes looked up at her dad as he talked to her.

When you got home you saw Ponyboy in front of the TV and the baby sitting on his lap.

"Hi guys." You sang walking in and joining them. "So, how did it go?" You added.

"Pretty good." He smiled. Emerald reached out to you and you held her.

You smiled down at her. "Were you a good girl for daddy?"


Johnny and your son Damien are on the couch. You gave Johnny a kiss and started walking out of the house.

"Wait, where are you going Y/N?" He asked. You grabbed your purse and looked back at your two boys.

"I have to go help out my mom. You know she's sick Johnny. I'll be home later to night. You will be okay with the baby for a few hours." You cooed to him. He sighed and you kissed his cheek and walked over to Damien. "Be a good boy for daddy." You said in a baby voice kissing him on the nose.

You left and Johnny sat on the couch again and Damien looked up at him. He had Johnny's same dark eyes. "What should we do today?" Johnny asked picking him up. Damien just stared at him not responding. "Yeah, I know, it's a difficult decision."

Damien looked at the picture of you on the coffe table and reached for it. Johnny helped him out and Damien just looked at it. His little cubby hands kept touching the photo and he smiled.

"You're a mommy's boy. I knew this would happen." He said playfully. "I can't blame you. Mommy is really pretty." Johnny told his son. Damien turned around and touched Johnny's face squishing his cheeks together. He squealed happily and tried doing it to the picture and it didn't work. Damien just crossed his arms in frustration. Johnny laughed at his son's cuteness.

When you came home you saw that Johnny had fallen asleep with the TV on and Damien was laying on his chest. You covered them with a blanket and kissed their heads.

"My two boys." You whispered.



Idk if u guys want the rest. I just needed to update. I will finish your imagines when I get back.

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