For Faith (Ponyboy)

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Faith's POV
Life isn't what I expected, being married to Ponyboy Curtis.  It's always been a dream, but it's been made into a reality.

Ponyboy Curtis is everything that you would want in a good husband.  Sometimes he's too perfect for me.

Since the wedding, we've bought a house near Darry and Sodapop (Ponyboy's request).  Not that I mind anyway, I love the Curtis brothers.

But anyway, let's just talk about the present now.  I'm eight months pregnant with out first kid.  And believe it or not, Ponyboy has been an even better husband.

It's been a pretty busy time, for him anyway.  The most I've done through out the pregnancy is walking to and from different places.  Pony making me stay home for 60% of this pregnancy.  He even made Soda and Darry help with the nursery.

Right now Ponyboy wanted me to go over what we're going to do when I go into labor.  He gets more and more freaked out about something if he realizes that it isn't even packed.

"Ponyboy," I sighed.

"I can't find the bag." He called from downstairs.

"It's up here, sweetie." I called.

The baby kicked and I smiled, rubbing my baby bump. "I know, Daddy is silly."

Ponyboy came running back upstairs and blushed when he saw the bag in the armchair.  He carried it over to the bed and handed me a list.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Just list all the stuff we need and I'll make sure we have them."

I nodded. "Okay, baby clothes?"


This went on for five minutes.  There was a knock on the door making Ponyboy groan.

"I'll be back." He said, standing up and kissing my lips.

I heard voices downstairs, so as I was craving human contact other than my husband, I walked downstairs to join them.  I was pleased to see his two brothers downstairs.

"Would you look at you," Soda greeted.

I smiled and hugged him. "Hi, Sodapop."

Darry gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"How's my brother treating you?" Soda teased.

"Same old, same old.  I'm just waiting for this kid to come out so I'm not trapped here all the time." I giggled.

Ponyboy came out of the kitchen and wrapped his arms around me. "Are you talking about me?"

I leaned up to peck his lips, "Always."

He rolled his eyes and turned to his brothers.

"What are you two doing here anyway?" You asked.

"Pony asked us to baby-proof the house." Darry answered.

You turned to look at your husband, who was looking around and walking back to the kitchen.

"Really?  Because I though Ponyboy did that all by himself," I said sarcastically, "four days ago."

Darry and Soda laughed at their brother who was probably red in the face right now.  I stopped for a second, putting my hand to my side as I felt a pain.

"You okay, Faith?" Darry asked.

I nodded, "Just Braxton hicks.  I'm just gonna go upstairs."

I took a nap upstairs and was woken up with a sharp pain in my abdomen. I looked over to Pony's side to see he was fast asleep.

"Ponyboy," I whispered, hitting his arm.

He groaned and his eyes slightly opened. "What?"

"I think I'm in labor." I said back.


I rolled my eyes. "Yes, now."

Suddenly, being more alert, he grabbed a shirt and a random pair of pants. While he did that, I managed to put on some other clothes.

"Where the hell is the bag?" Pony asked, exasperated.

"Same place it was earlier." I answered.

He sighed and shook his head at himself. Despite the twinges of pain, I laughed at how silly he was.

"Okay, okay, let's go." He rushed.

He helped me stand up and slowly guided me down the stairs.


"Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

I shook my head. "Not yet, but can we move a little faster?"

He seemed unsure, but, nonetheless, he still sped up.

When we got into the car, Ponyboy realized he forgot his keys and spent another ten minutes just looking for the keys. He finally found them in his pocket, the one place he of all people wouldn't think to look.

Let's just say the journey to the hospital a little stressful. Even though I kept telling him that there was time and that I was fine, he always doubted himself.

The delivery room wasn't much better.

"Do you need anything? Food? Ice chips? Something?" He asked.

I shook my head from my position on the hospital bed. "I'm fine, just stay with me."

He nodded. "Okay."

We began to talk about everything on our minds: what the baby would look like, who they would act like and such. Too bad that the calmest moment of the night was cut off by our baby deciding to make an entrance.

"Okay, Mrs. Curtis, I need you to give me the biggest push you can." The doctor said in a calming voice.

I nodded and tried pushing, but stopped, in shock of what I was feeling.

"Keep going, Faith." Pony encouraged.

"I can't, it hurts." I whimpered back,

"You can do this, I promise. Once this is all over, we'll have a family. It'll be over soon."

That was all I needed for reassurance and two hours later, we had a new baby boy. We decided to name him Johnny Curtis.


@ffaithstyless I'm sorry this took so long.  Don't hate me.  Ily.  I hope you liked it.  I hope this is what you wanted.  Stay gold-

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