When He Propsoses

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You and Pony were going on three years today.  You expected this to be like any other anniversary you two share; hanging out, reading and watching movies.

You're sitting in the living room of your apartment.  You are reading a book Pony has recently started working on.  Your phone rings and you walk up to answer it.

"Hello?" You said into the phone.

"Hey, Y/N.  How are you sweetie?"  You heard Pony say back.  You smile to yourself.

"Hey Pone, I'm fine.  What's up?" You asked.  There was a short silence and he finally responded.

"I was thinking we could do something different for our anniversary this year.  What do you think?" He asked you.  You quietly celebrated and took a deep breath.

"Sure, sounds fun." You sighed.

"Oh and you have to dress nice." He added hanging up the phone.

2 hours later, you were in a mid-length black dress and a silver clutch with white heels.  You are sitting on your couch watching TV.  You hear a knock at the door and answer it.  You open up the door to see Pony dressed in a buttoned down shirt and black slacks.  You both compliment each other about how you both look.

When you guys get to a restaurant you start eating.  The whole night he was just staring at you, you didn't mind much actually.  Pony paid for the meal he took a good long look at you.

"Y/N," he sighs, making you look up.  He takes your hands in his, looking you deep in your eyes.  You nod for him to go on. "I love you so much, and you know that." He added.

"Yeah, I know.  What are you talking about Pony?" You chuckle.  He lets go of your hands and walks to the side of the table getting down on one knee and pulling out a silk black box.

"Since our first date, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.  I wouldn't trade your love for all the money in the world.  You are the only wealth I need." He said opening the box, revealing a gold ring with a diamond in the middle. "Y/F/N, will you marry me?" He asked.  You gasped and covered your mouth in surprise.  All you do is nod and cry tears of joy, as he slips the ring on your finger.


You are laying in the lot, just hanging out thinking about life.  You hear leaves crunching behind you and you sit up to see Johnny walking up to you.  You smile and wave.  All he does is nods instead of waving.

"Hey Johnnycakes.  What are you doing here babe?" You asked.  He kept his hands in his jean pocket and sat down next to you.

"I dunno.  Just wanted to think about things.  I thought you were getting ready for our date." He said looking you in the eyes and smiled.  You shrugged and kissed him on the cheek.

"Yeah, I was just about to leave.  I'll see you tonight?" You said standing and brushing off your clothes.  Johnny nodded and you headed to your apartment.

When you got there you put on a skirt and buttoned down shirt.  Johnny took you to the Dingo and you both ordered burgers.  Johnny cleared his throat, making you look up at him.  You could sense his nervousness and his voice was kind of shaking.

"Uhm, Y/N.  I love you very much and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you." He stopped, leaving you two in complete silence.  Johnny was twiddling with his fingers and you touched his hands and he looked up at you with his dark eyes.

"Um, Johnny.  It's okay.  If you have something to tell me just let it out." You said comforting him.  He nodded and got down on one knee, still holding your hands. "What are you doing?"

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