For Annalee (Johnny)

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Johnny's POV

I was sitting in the lot, not doing anything in particular, just thinking about stuff. I was brought back to reality when I heard leaves crunch behind me. I turned to see a girl with the most beautiful blue eyes. When she got closer she had a more grayish color to them.

"Hi." She waved.

"Uh, hi." I said awkwardly.

"Do you know where Buck's place is? I'm meeting someone there." She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. I can show you. I may not know where it is anymore, so you might just get a tour of the whole town if that's okay."

She nodded and pulled me up from my spot.

We started walking when I realized I had no fucking clue where I was going, but she didn't seem to mind.

"Hey, can we stop somewhere before we get to Buck's?" I asked.

"Uh, okay. I guess."

I took her to the Curtis' house and we walked in to see everyone but Dally. Sodapop looked at me and waved, I waved back.

"What's up Johnnycake?" Pony greeted.

"I'm trying to show-show," Guess I forgot to ask her name.

"Annalee." She said for me.

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm trying to show Annalee where Buck's place is and I need some help."

"Sure, we'll help you out, man." Two-Bit said.

Everybody else stood up and we started walking as a group.

Suddenly Annalee said, "I never got your guys' names."

"Oh. I'm Steve. This is Darry, Two-Bit, Ponyboy, and Sodapop." Steve said pointing to each of them.

She nodded and we kept on walking.

Once we finally made it to Buck's and walked inside Annalee instantly ran off. I was confused and then I saw Dally hugging her. Once we got closer I could finally hear their conversation over all the music.

"Hey kiddo! How's Tulsa treating you so far?" Dallas asked. "Better than Georgia?" He teased.

She scoffed. "Nothing is better than Georgia Dally."

Dallas looked up and smiled at me. "Hey Johnny. Thanks for showing my cousin around."

I nodded and smiled at Annalee and she started blushing.

"No problem."



It's been so long that you guys change your usernames. Can you guys please comment so I know your users. ONLY IF I HAVEN'T GOTTEN TO YOU!!! Stay Gold.


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