For Macline

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Macline's P.O.V.

I'm walking back to Buck's place, where my brother and I live.  As I walked in I put my back pack down and sat at the bar.  Buck was cleaning one of his favorite beer mugs.

"Hey Mac." He greeted.

"Hi Buck.  Have you seen Dally.  He wasn't at school." I said.  We both laughed. "Just kidding, but seriously, have you seen him today?" I asked.

He calmed down a bit. "Nah, but he did call me about bail a few hours ago." He stated.

I nodded and walked out to Ponyboy's house.  I walked in and saw Dally laying on the couch.  I looked at him from the door and leaned on the frame.  He glanced at me and his eye got wide.

"Hey Dallas." I smiled.

He smiled awkwardly. "Mac!  Baby sis.  I've been here all day.  I was hanging out with Soda and Steve.  Go 'head and ask 'em." He said standing up.

I shook my head. "Don't even try Dallas.  Buck told me everything." I sighed.

"How are you gonna believe Buck-" He was cut off from laughing in the back round.

"Aww look at the baby!  He has to lie to his baby sister." Soda laughed.  I smiled.

Dal glared at him. "She maybe quiet, but she can do damage." He stated.

Pony walked in and I smiled at him and he returned it as he walked to him and Soda's room.  Dally shook his head, he never really agreed with the whole dating thing.  Steve sat next to me.

"So, how's the whole 'You and Pony' thing goin'?" He asked.  I sighed dreamily. "I take that as a great?"

I nodded and kind of dosed off, looking off into the distance.  Not realising people were talking to me.

"Mac!  Mac, you okay?" Two-Bit asked waving his hand in my face.  I just nodded. "Okay, good.  You kind of blanked out on us there."

I hung out with everyone and started walking back to Buck's.  Then I heard someone call my name, making me turn around.  I looked and saw Ponyboy running up to me.  Once he caught up he stood in front of me face to face.  We both stood there awkwardly.

"Um, you wanna walk to the park?" He asked.  I nodded and we started walking.

It was a pretty awkward at first.  I just started kicking the ground.  I don't know why it's so weird, it's usually pretty cool around Pony.

"Macline!" He said making me look uo.  Man I swear I have to stop zoning out.

I put a piece of my reddish-brown hair behind my ear and looked into his gray eyes. "Sorry, kind of got lost in thought." I said smiling shyly.

He smiled at me. "Oh, it's okay.  Hey, can I ask you something?" He said scratching the back of his neck.  I nodded. "Well, I um, I wanna be a little more than just dating."

I looked at him really confused. "I don't understand what you're trying to say."

He sighed. "Uhm, I wanna ask you if you want to be my girlfriend.  You know to make it official?" He asked.  I stayed emotionless. "I mean you don't have to if-"

I cut him off by kissing him on the lips making his face turn bright red.

"Of course I wanna be your girlfriend Pony!" I squealed.

We spent the rest of the night hanging out at the park and talking about how we wanted to tell the guys.  Hopefully Dal won't freak out about this.



Here you go @ Mac_Winston_1090.  I hope you like it!  I'm sorry it took so long.  I haven't been on because I've been reading other stuff.  Stay Gold.


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