For Ravi

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Ravi's P.O.V.

Dally and I were just walking around the convinience store. I may be tuff, but stealing isn't my thing. I don't really think Dally can tell though. And I know I'm not exactly a perfect little angel of a teen, but I'm not one to get on the bad side of the law. As we were walking I saw a really cute bracelet.

"Do you want that?" He asked. I really did want it, but I just shrugged. Next thing I knew Dal took it and stuffed it in his pocket. "C'mon let's go, babe."

"We have to pay for it." I hissed at him. He shook his head and grabbed my wrist. "Dally, I am not going to steal it. It just isn't right." I told him, moving some of my black hair out of my face.

He stopped. "But you want this." He says holding up the bracelet. I shrugged. He sighed. "You know what? Fine, let's go." He said putting the bracelet on a random shelf.

We started walking and I heard him mumble something. "Sylvia actually wanted to have some fun."

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked stopping in my tracks. He turned around and rolled his cold eyes. "What's on your mind Dallas?" I said a little more stern.

He crossed his arms. "I said Sylvia was way more fun than you are." He stated.

"Oh, really? You are gonna compare me to a two-timing bitch? Is that it?" I asked. He froze. "Yeah. When you were with Sylvia, every time you were in jail she had sex with someone else. Usually a soc. But, I actually wait for you. Sometimes I even bail you out. Because I love you."

"What?" He asked with a very rare guilty look in his eye. When I realized what I had said I walked home. I ignored his calls to me and just kept looking forward.

I forgot how far away my house was. I guess I could've stopped at Buck's place and asked for a car, but I was sure Dal was there.

When I got home I saw that my parents weren't home. I went to the fridge and saw a note from my mom:

Rav, Dallas can come over if he wants to. I finally got your father to agree that you are old enough to have a boyfriend. We went out, but we will be at the volley ball championship. Dinner is in the fridge heat up for 5 minutes. Love, Mom

I sighed and laughed. She is such a mom. I ate dinner and I heard a knock on the door, but I turned off the lights and walked up stairs to my room and fell asleep.

The Next Day

I woke up and got ready for the game. I had my uniform on and grabbed my duffle bag and met my parents downstairs.

"You ready champ?" Dad asked. I rolled my eyes and smiled walking to the car.

"Is Dallas coming?" My mom asked. I shrugged. He promised he would, but I'm just not sure after what happened yesterday.

When we got to the championship gym I signed in and left my parents for them to find their seats. My team and I were in position when I heard a wolf whistle, but I ignored it.

"Ravi!" I heard a familiar New York accent call out. I turned and saw Dally and the gang sitting in the stands. "I love you!" He shouted.

"Ohhhh." The gang chorused along with the girls on my team. I smiled and cupped my hands around my mouth.

"I love you too!" I yelled back blowing him a kiss which he caught playfully.

After we won the game Dallas lifted up in the air and kissed my cheek as a "good job" gift.



This imagine is for @Bruinsfan37. I'm sorry guys. I haven't been on in like a month. I missed you! And since I'm sick today I will be doing more updates on imagines. Stay Gold.


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