When you Fall Asleep in his Arms (His P.O.V.)

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"Pretty cool, huh?" I say.  I'm reading Gone With the Wind to my girlfriend, Y/N.  She is every guys' dream.  She is laying by my side with an arm around her.  I see her sound asleep, her breathing is steady and slow.  She looks so adorable.  I kiss her head and, like an instinct, she snuggles up against my chest.  She starts murmuring in her sleep.

A little while later it got kind of cold, so I pulled the covers over Y/N and I.  She started tossing and turning in the bed, she must've been having a nightmare of when her parents died.  They died around the same time mine did.

"Shh, it's okay." I kept repeating to her, soon she finally settled and calmed down.  A while later I fell asleep too, with my arms around her.  I wanted this to last forever.


I'm laying in the lot with the most beautiful girl in the world, my girlfriend, Y/N.  It was late at night and it was freezing.  I felt something shaking on my arm, she was sleeping.  I saw her shivering, I put my jacket around her bare arms.  I pulled her closer to my body and nuzzled my face in her hair.  She made the cutest noises when she was sleeping.

I felt my eyes get heavy, then Y/N started shaking and crying.  I heard her murmur out of fear and I looked down at her.

"P-Please don't." She kept saying.  I brought her closer and hugged her even tighter, waiting for her to calm down.  I didn't really go to sleep until after the sun started rising.  Y/N made me realize that there are people who love me no matter what.


I'm hanging out at Buck's place.  Me and my girl, Y/N.  We have been here all night.  She snuck out of her parents' house because they didn't really like me that much.  I looked around and down at Y/N, who was sleeping.  I got up to move, then she quickly put her arms around me.  I sat down again and put my arm around her.

Soon, I began to feel tired.  I looked at the some guy's watch, it's 2:00.  Her parents are going to be pissed off.  I shake her, trying to wake her up.  She just digs her head into my chest and I just stop moving and let her sleep.  Her parents aren't that much of a threat to me now that I think about it.


I'm hanging out at my girlfriend's house, she lives on the south side of town.  Her parents are out of town so I came to keep her company.  I was watching a romantic movie with her, I was kind of wishing I was Ponyboy right now.  I don't really dig movies like he does.  I look to her and see her sound asleep, curled up in a ball.  I look at the clock and it says 12:00.  She's wrapped in my arms.  I move only a little bit and she cuddles up closer.

I whisper to her, "Hey, hey, Y/N.  I have to go babe." She just tightened her grip around me.  I'm hoping Darry won't be too mad.  Then again, it won't really be that big of a deal anyways.  He usually worries about Pony.


I'm waiting for Pony to come home from the movies.  It's past 2:00 in the morning, I hear slight snoring, I turn to see my girl, Y/N just sleeping.  She's still in her work clothes.  I she said that she would keep me and Soda company until Pony came back.  Soda is half asleep himself.  Y/N starts shivering so I wrap her in my work shirt.

Ponyboy finally came back at 2:45 A.M., I gave him a glare and he looked down rubbing his bare arms.  Soda looks over at him too.

"Where, the hell have you been?" I whisper yelled.  He looked up and started walking over to the bathroom.

"I went to the movies with Johnny and Dally.  I was talking to Johnny in the lot and I fell asleep." He said, kind of raising his voice.  I shook it off and waved him away.  I didn't want to wake up Y/N, she needs the rest.  I look back at Pony. "I didn't mean to." He added.

"Just don't do it again.  We'll talk later." I said carrying Y/N back to my room.  I looked back at the kids and they looked so confused. "Go to bed you guys." I added.


Me and Y/N were talking about cars.  I was going on and on about this awesome car that I wanted so badly.  I look over to her, expecting a response, she is passed out cold.  I was on break at the DX, I was about to over use my break.  I tried to sneak out from her side, she moved closer and hugged me tight.

"Y/N, I have to get back to the DX to help Soda." I stated moving her arm, she just tightened her grasp. "Fine, I didn't want to go back anyways." I said.  I started playing with her hair, because I had nothing better to do, she looked so adorable.  I couldn't believe she could still love somebody as crazy as I am, I love her so much.


I was drinking beer hanging out with my girl, Y/N.  She and I were drinking, watching Mickey.  It was a blast.  I was laughing at something.  I turn to her, usually she laughs at things I laugh at.  She is sleeping with her beer can in hand.  I try to steal it from her, she holds it tighter.  She's always been able to do that in her sleep.

I try hypnotizing her. "You will let go of the beer, you will give your man the beer." I kept repeating.  If I'm lucky sometimes she is actually sleepy enough to let go of it.  today is not one of those days, sadly.  I turn down the volume of the TV and pull her closer to me.  I look at her sleeping face and think about how lucky I am to have her in my life.  Someone like me can barely find a girl that actually cares about me, and laugh at my jokes.  But, mostly someone to watch Mickey with me.


Sorry these are CRAZY late.  I couldn't come up with anything that great.  This is when I can really use some suggestions.  Anyway, I hope you guys like them.  You know something is better than nothing.  Stay Gold.


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