For Annie (Steve)

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I sighed, looking through my car window.  Steve Randle.  I wonder if he knows my name.  Oh god!  He looked over here!  Drive away, drive away.

I finally pulled away from the DX and began my journey back home.  I really hope he didn't see me.

"Come on, Annie." I told myself. "You gotta work up the nerve to at least speak to the guy."

Steve's POV

"There goes, Annie." Soda said.

I perked up at the sound of her name.  I turned to see a truck drive off.

"Was that her?" I asked, sounding disappointed.  I already knew the answer to that question, but doesn't hurt to ask.

"You should ask her out." He stated.  Sounding absolutely sure about his words and not batting an eyelash at my confused demeanor.


He nodded. "Wouldn't hurt to ask.  Worst she could do is say no."

"You don't get it, Soda-"

"No you don't get it Steve," he said instantly cutting me off, "girls like Annie need to be asked out.  She's shy and quiet, so he needs that little extra push, you know?"

I thought about it. "Okay, an extra push."


Annie's POV

The things I do to make a living. I would have already quit this dead-beat job if I wasn't in need of the money.  As I was getting ready to head home, I noticed Steve Randle outside my car.

"Hi, Annie."

I stuttered out a small hello. "What are you doing here?"

"I just-uh, wanted to ask you if you would want to go an a date... With me."

My heart stopped.  What is this?  Maybe I'm dying?  Or dreaming.  I finally realized that this was real when Steve tried to summon my attention back to him.

"Oh, right.  Sure.  I'd like that."

Steve smiled his imperfect smile. "That's great.  I'll see you tomorrow at five?"

I nodded and pulled a piece of brown hair away from my face.

"Where are we going to go?"

He shrugged. "It's a surprise."

Great, I thought, I love surprises.


This date with Steve is not exactly how I thought it would have been.  I mean, it's not terrible and it's not great either. We were at a really nice restaurant with over the top foods.

"So, uhm, you like to read?"

I shrugged. "Not that much. I mean, I enjoy a good book, but I don't love them." Not as much as cars anyway.

"Oh," he said, "me too."

I was about to say something when he suddenly blurted out something else.

"Is the food good?"

I nodded.

"Steve? Can I ask you something?"

His body tensed up. "Yeah, go 'head."

"Why here? I mean, I'm not saying that I don't love what you've done and that I don't appreciate what we're doing--this just doesn't feel real."

He looked upset and as if he failed at one of the biggest events in his life that could decide his future and he made the wrong choice.

"Oh? Did you want to do something else? Do I look weird or something--"

I cut him off, "It's not just you that's making this night a little off," I have to stop myself. Should I really say this? I might as well, too late to back down, "it's this date. I don't feel like this is real and that you're being yourself right now."

Steve didn't have a response. He just looked down at his plate.

I felt bad and took out my wallet, thankful that I had just enough to pay for my food. I stood from the table and looked at Steve who still seemed to be processing what had just happened.

"Thank you for the dinner." I said quietly, touching his shoulder and leaving him to sit alone.

Steve's POV

This wasn't me, Annie. You're right.

Too bad she wasn't here to hear that.

Third Person

Annie had kept her distance from the DX. And it's not because she didn't like Steve anymore, it was just that one night. It made her feel guilty when she would see him work on cars it just having a good time.

Steve hasn't been any better. He thinks he ruined his chances with the girl of his dreams. Her beautiful green eyes that reminded him of a swampy marsh, her long, brown hair that had just a touch of pink at the bottom. Even her small body. Everything about her is absolutely beautiful.

Today, there was someone or something that wanted these two to suck it up and talk to each other. Annie's car broke down near the DX and Soda was already out doing other things, so Steve was her only option.

"Hey, Annie, it's been a while." He said, not sure if she was in the mood to see him at the moment.

"Hi, Steve. Can I ask a favor?"

"Yeah, anything." He answered a little too quickly.

Annie began to fiddle with we hair. "Can you help me out? My car just uh, broke down. I think it's the engine or something."

Steve nodded and gathered whatever he needed to do this job.

As Annie was walking with Steve to the car, the silence was anything but comfortable.

"Annie," Steve said suddenly, "I want to apologize for a few weeks ago. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable at all."

Annie looked up at him. "No need to apologize, Steve. It just wasn't what I was expecting."

"What do you mean?" He asked as they finally got to the car and began to work on it.

Annie shrugged. "I just thought it would be a little different. I don't know."

"Well, if you'd let me, I would like to take you out on another date?"

Annie's heard stopped. "Another?"

"Yeah, and you get to choose where we go."

Annie thought for a second. "There's a car show next week. If we get tickets now, we'll still have a chance of getting really good offers."

Steve fell in love with the idea and started asking Annie all types of questions. Mostly about cars, not that he cared, he was ecstatic to find out that she liked the same thing as him.

After that date, it bloomed into a beautiful couple and soon a beautiful family.

This is for @jesusfreak4563. I hope you liked it. Hope it wasn't too awkward for you. Stay Gold.

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