For Arianna (Dallas)

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Arianna's POV

"I can't believe we just did that." Dally laughed.

I nodded. "Well, believe it, honey. Because it happened."

We were walking from the store that Dal and I just "vandalized". I mean it's not like we did a terrible thing, but we did get banned from the store.

"You're crazy, Arianna." Dallas said, his New York accent strong.

"I know."

We walked back to the Curtis' house and I came face-to-face with my brother.

"Hey, Two-Bit."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked almost instantly.

I rolled my eyes and picked up the pace, slowly leaving Dallas behind me.

"Calm down, big brother."

He shook his head. "I can't calm down when my little sister is slowly becoming a fugitive."

I ignored him.  He's really no better than I am.  I mean, I can see here he's coming from.  He's, technically, a drunk and I'm a delinquent, mom's not to proud of us.

After sitting in the Curtis' living room for a few hours Dallas offered to walk me home.  I can't even tell you how great it is that.  Dallas Winston, the tuffest guy in town, walking me home.  Two-Bit had went somewhere else to wreak havoc on some poor innocent peoples' lives.

"So, Arianna," Dally started.

"So, Dally," I teased.

"I need to ask you something."

I stayed silent, Dally took it as his cue to go on as ask.

"Would you wanna be my girlfriend?"

I stayed silent, hoping he would just think I hadn't heard.  I mean, it's not that I don't want to date him or that I don't like him.  It's nothing like that, in fact, it's the complete opposite.  But I know his reputation.  He's Dallas Winston, a delinquent, and a ladies man.


"Oh, look, it's my house." I said quickly.

Dally looked up. "No it's not.  Your house is still two blocks down."

I shrugged. "We moved."



He gave me a long, hard stare. "Why won't you answer my question?  If you don't want to date me, just tell me and I'll deal with the rejection."

I shook my head and stopped walking, "It's not that I don't want to date you," he waited for me to continue. "It's just--I know who you are, Dallas.  And I know your reputation."

Dallas shrugged, "Okay.  And?"

"And I know that you aren't really good at being faithful to your girlfriends."

He scoffed. "Who told you that?"

"Dallas, you're not helping your case by lying to me.  I'd rather you just tell me that you know how you are and just accept it."

"Fine, fine," he finally gave in, "I know how I am, Arianna.  But, I think I can change, for you."

My arms were crossed defensively and continued walking. "Really?"

He nodded, "Really."

I sighed. "I'll think about it," I looked into his nervous eyes, "but on one condition."

That seemed to catch him off guard.

"While I'm thinking, you can't sleep with anyone." I know it's a little intense because he gives me a confused look, "So I know that you're serious about me being your girlfriend."

Dallas looked unsure.  I knew this would likely happen if I gave him this wager.

"But, if you have second thoughts-"

He shook his head, cutting me off. "No, no.  I can control myself.  Promise."

I smiled. "Okay. Good."

"I swear, Arianna Matthews, you sure know how to make a man work."

I nodded, "I know."

When we got to my door, I turned and kissed his cheek. "Goodnight, Dallas Winston." And I walked back to the house while he was still caught off guard.


This is for @jazzyaf. I hope you enjoyed this. Thanks for being patient, I know I said I'd have it up earlier, but I still got it done. Stay Gold.

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