When he Meets Your Parents

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You and Pony started dating only a few months ago. Your parents had gotten curious about this guy you were spending all your time with. What could you have been doing, you two are only 14. It was 5:30 and Pony was supposed to be there in 30 minuets with his brothers. You were wearing a lace dress, waiting at the seat by your window. Your mom and dad walked in, you guys were a greaser family. But, you still dressed nice.

"Sweetie, do you want to tell us anything about your boyfriend and his family?" Your mom asked. "You know, just so we know some more about them before they come." She added.

"Well, their parents died in a car crash a few months ago. And his name is Ponyboy he has two older brothers. Their names are Darry and Sodapop." You answered.

"Oh that's terrible." Your mom answers. Your dad gives you a weird look, it was kind of offensive.

"So let me get this straight." He started. "You have been hanging out with a kid and his brothers with no adult supervision?" He asked. You went to go answer the knock at the front door.

"Well dad, keep in mind that their parents died. Plus, Pony has to think about school and track. He doesn't have a lot of time for funny business." You explain. You open the door to see three handsome men standing in collared shirts and slacks.

Darry walks up and shakes your parents' hands. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N. I'm Darrel Curtis." He introduces himself. Pony stands there looking as nervous as can be. He just won't stop smiling, like he's frozen.

"And these young men must be Sodapop and Ponyboy." Your mom says shaking their hands. They nod and smile.

"Honey, I think you mean Pepsi-Cola and Horseman." Your dad teases. You shake your head and apologize for your dad's bad sense of humor. You lead them to the dining room and begin to eat. It started out silent.

"You can tell the food is good when no one is talking." Soda said, you smiled at him. "But in all seriousness, this is a great meal Mrs. Y/L/N." He adds.

"Don't thank me, thank Y/N." Your mom answers. "So, Ponyboy how are you doing in school?" She asks. Pony looks up and has food on his mouth.

"Sorry, what?" He asks, you hand him a napkin and he thanks you.

"She wants to know how you are doing is school, Pony." Darry says, Pony nods and finishes his bite.

"Oh sorry. Well, I'm doing pretty well. Especially in English." He says.

The dinner went like that all night, questions and bad jokes. You knew your mom likes their family. You couldn't tell from your dad's bad jokes if he liked them.


You live with your aunt and uncle, since your parents didn't want you. You were wearing a skirt and collared shirt with flats on. Your aunt came in and sat down next to you on the couch.

"So, this Johnny fellow. Are his parents coming with him?" She asks, you shake your head. "Why not?"

"Him and his parents don't get along that well. Oh and he has a scar on his cheek." You say. "Please don't ask him about it." You begged. Your uncle answered a knock on the door. You walked down stairs with your aunt and you saw Johnny in a t-shirt and jeans. Your uncle was in some slacks and buttoned down shirt.

"Hello, you must be Johnny." Your uncle says. Johnny nods and stands there awkwardly, your uncle looks back at you with a confused look. "Aren't you going to come in?" He asked. Johnny walked in and you hugged him. He hugs you back and you all stand there.

"Let's eat." You suggest, grabbing Johnny's hand and leading him to the dining room. You all sat there for a little while. Then your uncle breaks the silence.

"So, Johnny," he says. Johnny looks up at him. "Why aren't your parents here with us tonight?" He asked putting food in his mouth. Johnny sat there, it was awkward.

"Well, they were busy." He lied, you both knew that his parents would have given off a bad impression. You gave your uncle a pleading look and he shut up.

"How long have you known Y/N?" Your aunt asks, Johnny smiles at you, you've known him for a really long time now.

"A little over a year. But, we've been dating for a few months." He answers. At first your uncle gave him a weird look, until he added the last part.

Dinner went on like that, your family really liked how Johnny was very polite. And you and Johnny spent a lot of time together and you guys didn't really want your uncle and aunt to talk again. Only because of the awkward conversation.


You and Dally started hanging out almost for a year. You didn't want him to meet your parents because your dad is the sheriff. You finally decided that they can officially meet Dallas. You are sitting in your room in shorts and a t-shirt. Your mom and dad walk in, your dad in uniform and your mom in a casual dress.

"Oh come in." You said sarcastically. Your mom sat down on your bed and you sat up.

"Honey, we need to talk about dating, and boys." Your mom starts. You make a T with your hands and laugh.

"Whoa, ma. Slow down there." You told her. You heard the doorbell ring and you walked down behind your dad. He opened the door and revealed Dally in his leather jacket.

Your dad glared at him.

"Dallas these are my parents. Mom and dad this is-"

Your dad cuts him off. "I know very well who he is."

You nodded. "Okay, awkward moment, lets eat."

Dinner was quiet, your mom asking a few questions here and there. Then your dad asked the same question he asks all your boyfriends.

"So, what do you think about marriage? Commitment?" He asks. Dally does a spit take and stares at your dad.

He chuckled. "Sorry about that. But I'm sure you know how I feel about that."

Your dad nodded and went on with eating.



Just had the worst milkshake in my life. And I need to finish some imagines. Kk bye. Stay Gold.


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