❝ [ 𝗔𝗿𝗺𝘆 𝘅 𝗦𝗸𝘂𝗹𝗹 ] ¡! ❞

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Inkopolis, nothing was alive due to the rain that made the day gloomy, no outside turf wars, and the rain made some people sick, it stung once getting on inkling or octoling skin. No one minded though, rain doesnt affect them THAT much.

As skull look outside from the candy shop, he could hear his other teammates bickering about skills to use in battles, then again he didn't really care about battle right now, Skull just loved watching how the sky cried, It somehow made him relaxed to watch the rain pour down from the grey clouds.

"-ull, SKULL!" Skull jump from someone yelling his name, he looks over to see Army, talking to him. "Did you even LISTEN to what I was saying?!?!" Army yelled as he looked straight into skulls eyes "sorry, I wasn't" Skull said as he turns away to hide his purple cheeks, even though he had his bandanna on.

Skull grew the little crush to army a while back, he always thought everything he did was cute, even when he puts on his paint face on was cute to him. Thinking of those things made the purple blush grow darker."Don't think of those things, he's your friend, and he wants to ask Forge out anyways" those thoughts made Skull frown a bit, but still kept his hard gaze.

"Skull, You need to listen to these things! These are important things you need to know!" Army said as he massaged his temples. "you know what, lets just eat something before we go out now" Aloha said as he gets up to look around the candy shop for something to eat.

"I agree, letsss go eattt somethingggg" Masks says as he runs over to Aloha who was in the chocolate isle "you going to get something?" Skull asks Army as he was looking at the ice cream menus that were in the middle of the table, in case anyone wanted ice cream, and next to it was a little bell so they could ring once they want to order.( I'm sorry I'm just a freak and sometimes eat ice cream in cold times, I mean it is frozen milk- EDIT I still eat ice cream on cold days)

"I suppose a treat couldn't hurt..." Army said as he hesitated to take a menu from the pile. Once they found what they wanted, Skull rung the small bell "dINGGGGGGGgg"  the small bell  rung, a few second later, an octoling girl with a short turtleneck and a huge over sided jacket on, some ripped jeans and some black goth boots on, her tentacles were very short cut, could almost be mistaken to a boy, but her small curves tell inktolings shes a girl, she also had her name tag on her left side.

"Hey how can I help you too?" She asked as she stopped at their table with a notebook in hand " could I get a large cup with 2 scoops of chocolate and 1 scoop of vanilla with a piece of wafer?" Skull asked as he closed the menus once he asked what he wanted, "alright, and you sir?" they asked Army once they written Skulls order "could I get the same as him" Army asked, "I'm sorry sir but we don't have enough vanilla for it... we could refill it but it'll take a while for it.." they said as she had a look of guilt.

 "We could share the ice cream Army" Skull said without thinking about what his mouth just spat out, "I- s-sure" Army said putting the menu back on the pile " alrighty, anything else?" the waiter said "that's all" Army said "alright, also you to make a cute couple" the waiter said as she hurried to make the order.

"W-what?" Army said as he blushed a dark orange, Skull also blushed hard, but It didn't show due to his bandanna, "heh I mean we could be a couple~" Skull said as he and Army made eye contact. "I-I mean yeah w-we could be" Army spoke as his face turned a darker orange in every word he said. "Wait really?" Skull asked as he came closer to Army, "I mean yeah, u-unless y-you d-don't want to..." Army spoke as he stopped making eye contact with the other inking.

"Sure I guess, now we're a couple huh?" Skull said looking like nothing happened, but he was shocked on what happened, "heh, I g-guess we are" Army said as he looks at Skull and gave him a smile that rarely appeared on his face.

"Your orders sir's" the waiter came with the ice cream, placing it in front of both of them "have a great rest of the day both of you" the waiter smiled at them and went back to their spot.

"Hey we're back with treats!" Aloha said as he slid next the Skulls seat and Mask next the Army, "what did we misss~" Aloha asked as he started eating his squid bites and Mask eating his dark chocolate bits and looking at his squidphone.

"Well nothing happened, we just got ice cream to share" Army said as he got one of the little spoons the waiter put next to the ice cream "Ohhh~ Sounds like you guys are datin~" Aloha said as he playfully shoved skulls shoulder, "well, we actually are now" Skull said making both Aloha and Mask choke on there candies.

"welll cangrattts dudeeeee" Mask said once he recovered from choking on his chocolate "Yeah Congrats! I'll support your guys relationship! You guys keeping this a secret or..." Aloha said, probably so he doesn't share it if they don't want to, Skull and Army look at each other.

"We'll keep it a secret" they both said while holding hands under the table.


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