Chapter 1

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-Roman POV
Yes! Finally I get to be in WWE! I've pretty much worked for a year and a half just so I had the qualifications to get in. They're putting me in a tag team with these two other guys and I really hope they aren't dicks.
"Leati Joseph Anoa'i?" A man with headphones around his neck walked up to me
"Yes? And my stage name is Roman Reigns, you can call me that, I don't really like my real name."
"Oh sorry sir, well I'm here to take you to meet your tag team, once you meet them you guys can choose a name for your team and then you'll guys be set to go. Just follow me please." The man walked down the long hallway until we got to the end to the very last door. "The woman inside will tell you further directions. I'll see you some other time." The man smiled and walked away before I could say thanks.
I slowly turned the knob to find two men sitting on a couch, one had two toned color hair and a beard. He was kind of cute but eh. And then there was the other guy, he had a sleeveless shirt on and some blue jeans. He was playing with his fingers and he looked up at me and smiled and my heart dropped to my stomach, we're having eye contact. Ugh oh my god he's adorable... I probably shouldn't stare. I looked next to me and there was a blonde woman.
"Hello! You must be Leati!" The woman seemed all happy and chirpy. Ew.
"Roman... You can call me Roman." I gave a weak smile, shit now I'm all shy.
"Well, I'm here to introduce you boys and then I'll be taking off! Roman this is Jonathan Good." She pointed and the one that I couldn't keeps my eyes off of. So his names Jonathan? That's such a cute name.
"Call me Dean, I hate my real name ugh don't ever say it again." Dean said as he rolled his eyes at the woman, I guess he didn't like her either.
"Sorry, and this cutie is Colby Lopez." She walked over him and petted his head like a dog. The fuck?
"Don't touch my head... I don't like you for the millionth time... And call me Seth my real name is gross." Seth said moving her hand away.
"That's what they all say little boy." The lady winked at me and left the room. Ew.
"I hate that bitch, she's such a fucking slut." Dean crossed his arms which showed his muscles... Damn.
"Same, like I have a fiancé I'm not interested in her." Seth rolled his eyes.
"Hey, sit down you don't have to be shy, we aren't assholes, I promise ya." Dean patted the seat next to him... Oh god great. First day is just going fantastic.

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