Chapter 16

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-Dean POV-
"Dean wake up, were about to land." Roman said, playing with my hair.
Kiss me? If only I had the guts to actually say it. Not think it. I groaned. Holding his hand tight and fluttering my eyes open.
"Hey sleepyhead." Roman smiled.
What time is it?"
"4:05" roman said checking his phone. I groaned.
"Shut up dork face!" Seth said.
"You shut up!" I reached my leg over Romans to kick Seths chair.
"Both of you shut up!" Wade threw a empty water bottle at me.
"Asshole." I muttered. Roman laughed at our stupidity before the pilot said some random shit.
Roman fed Seth once we hit the airport cause he wouldn't shut up. He's such a fat ass. While Seth was munching on his food roman booked us a hotel room. This time they had two separate bedrooms so nobody was gonna fuck on the pullout couch. Nobody's gonna be fucking at all. If I see anyone with a beer bottle... Well they better share. And then Rommy will probably get all pissy since I can't turn down beer. I mean COME ON! Beer is like the best creation ever. I don't get how Rommy can even be the responsible one. But that's what's also sexy about him. Should stop thinking about him like that, I'll start having sexual dreams...which I love but...just ugh i don't want to be dreaming of something that could never happen. I was interrupted by my thoughts when Roman put his arm around my waist. I blushed and looked up at him.
"Let's go to our hotel now. I'm really tired." Roman yawned as all of us stood up and headed to get a rental car.
"Sethie your driving." Roman gave Seth the keys to the rental car once he got it.
"Why??" Seth complained
"I'm tired, Wade could barely keep his eyes open, and Deans lazy." Hell yea he's got that last one right.
"Fine!" Seth dramatically went outside to search for the car.
"I can keep my eyes open!" Wade said rubbing his eyes.
"Okay whatever you say Wade." Roman chuckled as I did too. Wade rolled his eyes and followed Seth as we followed Wade.
"And now we go to bed." Roman dropped his bags and put mine down right next by the door and picked me up bridal style as I squealed and held on around his neck.
"Rommy!" I laughed and squirmed "put me down!"
"No I'm tired and I need a cuddle buddy so you're screwed." Roman went into one of the two bedrooms and plopped me on the bed. "Get comfortable." Roman said as he took off his shirt and jeans, revealing basketball shorts. Why is he...? Must be just in case he's ever really tired he can. Just take off his pants? I don't know. I took off my shirt and since I was wearing sweatpants I was pretty comfortable. Roman layed on the bed as did I and he reached over me to turn off the lamp.
"Goodnight" Roman softly said, kissing my cheek. Ohmygod.
"You mean good morning?" I laughed.
"Shut up." Roman chuckled, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling my closer. He eventually fell asleep. Did he kiss me on the cheek? OHMYGOD. I'm like fan boying right now. What the fuck? I need to go to bed. I'm going to bed.

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