Chapter 3

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-Wade POV
I really liked Seth, like a lot, but not like in a boyfriend way, no. Like a best friend way, he would never like me like that anyways. He seemed pretty nice and kinda shy Dean and Roman seemed cool too, but they were so awkward with each other they're so weird but their still awesome to hang out with.
"Who thinks Cody Rhodes or Stardust, should I say, is kinda cute?" Roman slurred
"No, Dolph Zigglers sexy." Dean hit the table and looked at Roman.
"Baron Corbin is cute. He's from NXT if you guys didn't know." Seth pointed at the both of them, his head still on my chest.
"I think John Cena is cute." I raised my hand half way.
"NO WAY HES BLURGHPPPPHHH!" Dean flung his arms in the air and the whole bar stared at him.
"Dean what the fuck?" Roman started laughing and he grabbed Deans arm and put his arm down.
"Ohh he isn't that bad, I mean his butts nice. Seth laughed.
"So is Dolph's!!" Dean widened his eyes.
They had a fight about their butts for almost an hour. Roman and I just kept drinking while they fought. After a while we were all piss drunk so we decided to go to the hotel, Seth invited me to stay with them so I decided why not?
"I don't want to get up!" Dean whined.
"Well your gonna have to." Roman said trying to push Dean out of the booth so that he could get out.
"CARRY ME ROMMY!" Dean flung his arms out and wrapped his arms around Romans neck. I saw Roman blush.
"Fine but if I fall note your coming down with me and we're gonna die." Roman tried to pick Dean up bridal style but Dean wrapped his legs around Romans waist and Roman rolled his eyes but I still saw that his cheeks were bright red. He scooted out of the booth as did I. Seth fell on the seat and he was cracking up. I think he was the worst out of all of us.
"Okay, get up Seth." I poked his side hoping he would get up.
"It's fun down here." Seth looked up at me. Awe his eyes look so cute when he laying down and looking up at me... I shouldn't think that way.
"Get up!!!" I started to whine, I sounded like a little kid.
"No!!!" Seth shook his head, now both of us look like little kids.
"I think your gonna have to pick him up like I did with Dean." Roman said. Oh great.
"Okay, I'll do this the hard way." I grabbed Seth by his arms and put them around my shoulders, I picked him up bridal style and he just sat there like he was dead. All he kept doing was whine about being separated from his ship or something.
"NOW MY SHIP IS GONNA GET TORN DOWN GOD DAMN IT IM GONNA LOOSE MY BATTLE WADIE THIS OSNT FAIR YOU JERKFACE!!" Seth was yelling at me and I tried to make my way out of the bar as quick as possible to outside. Roman followed.
"WERE ON A SHIP?! ROMMY WERE ON A SHIP IF IT BREAKS DOWN IM GONNA DROWN I DONT ONOW HOW TO SWIMMMMM!!!!" I heard Dean behind me. We made our way into the hotel and me and Roman made it quickly into the elevator before Dean or Seth could yell some more. This night is gonna be a long night.

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