Chapter 14

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-Dean POV-
Roman and I were cuddling the whole way to the mall. I honestly didn't want him to let me go but I felt the car stop as I opened my eyes. Ugh now I have to get up. I dragged myself out of the car and waited for Roman. Once he was out I wrapped my arm around his and held his hand with my other hand.
"Are you going to keep your grip on me?" Roman smiled. I nodded in response as we both followed Wade and Seth towards the mall. Wade and Seth seem to be doing well. They aren't all awkward like I thought they would be.
"I think they would be the cutest couple ever." I chuckled looking at Roman.
"Yes! They would!" Roman laughed "Were going to make it happen watch."
"I've got Samoan powers." Roman looked at me trying not to laugh. I looked back at him and started cracking up.
"Yea okay whatever you say Rommy." I laughed and blushed looking away so Roman couldn't see.
"I do! You just don't believe in me." Roman made a pouty face. Holy fucking fuck why is this man so adorable?
"I never said that all I said was okay."
"In a sarcastic way."
"Well maybe I didn't mean it in a sarcastic way, ever think of that?" I laughed
"No. But it's common sense to think that-" Roman got interrupted by Seth
"FOOD!" I screamed In the middle of the mall as I got stares.
"YEA!" Seth flung his arms in the air. I let Romans arm go still clutching my hand in his, I jolted forward to the food court dragging Roman behind me as Seth grabbed Wades wrist and did the same. Seth and I raced to the food court, Seth won since he didn't have a huge Samoan he had to drag. Panting all of us got different things, Seth got a salad, Roman got some Chinese food, Wade got fast food, gross. And as for me, I got zucchini with garlic bread.
After we were all done shopping we were on our way back to the hotel room. I was tired since Roman kept me standing all day while he was trying new gear on and asking me if he looked fat in it or not. My answer never changed but he kept making excuses not to buy it. It took him fifteen minutes just to choose from three different things that he finally choose. Wade and Seth went off somewhere. All I know is that Seth went to the addias store and hot topic. We were all I the elevator and Seth was jumping up and down like a little kid holding Wades arm
"Wadie Wadie! I can't wait to put this outfit on you, your gonna look so cute in a punk rock outfit!" Wade just smiled as Roman and I shared a look.
"You're so lucky I let you do these things to me." Wade shook his head as we were on our floor and the elevator dinged. We all got out and Seth ran to the end of the hallway dragging Wade along and jumping in front of the hotel room door.
"Hurry up ya slow pokes!" Seth acts like a little kid. It's so cute. So are him and Wade. Once roman and I reached them roman unlocked the door and Seth ran in dragging Wade and bringing him into the bed room. I guess they're going to change?
-Roman POV-
Dean held my hand tighter and laughed at Seth and Wade.
"Hopefully they don't do anything other than change." Dean laughed looking up at me.
"Hopefully." I laughed im happy I can hold Deans hand now, but what does this make us? Cuddle buddies for now I think. Right? I want to be more.
"Movie?" Dean asked.
"What time is it?"
"4:40, why?"
"We have to leave for the airport at 8:30, 9:00 the latest. Our flight leaves to Iowa at 10:15."
"It's Sunday?" Dean looked shocked
"Yup. I'm going to set an alarm for 7:30." I set the alarm. "HEY WADE YOU GONNA COME WITH US TO THE AIRPORT?" I yelled making Dean jump. He's such a scared ish character. I wonder why? Maybe he just doesn't like loud sounds. There was a long pause before Wade answered.
"YEA." I head Seth yelling yay from the bedroom. How long does it take to dress a tall British guy up?
Dean let my hand go and closed the curtains so that it was dark. He left one curtain semi open so that we can all see when we walk. He grabbed my hand and brought me to the couch. I sat down and he curled up into a ball under my arm and turned on the TV. He put on the comedy channel and eventually Wade came out looking all punk rock.
"Doesn't he look adorable?" Seth asked covering the tv so that we were forced to look.
"Yes, that look actually fits your body Wade, your hair just needs to grow out a bit more." Dean shrugged.
"You think?" Wade checked himself out. He was wearing a black shirt with some design I couldn't make out and black jeans with a chain connected to the jeans and a grey beanie.
"Maybe loose the beard." Dean added.
"I'm not the only one." Seth chuckled sitting on the couch next to Dean and I. Wade rolled his eyes and sat next to Seth as we all watched the comedy channel. Before I knew it I fell asleep with Dean in my arms.

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