Chapter 28

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-Wade POV-

I got a call from Drew a few hours after I found out what Seth was doing. He wanted to take me out to the bar in three hours, which would be at 8. Should I wear something nice? Oh for gods sake it's my best friend, he's not gonna care. I'll just wear my usual attire. A t-shirt and some jeans.


-Seth POV-

"Punkie Boo! We should zip lining!" I grabbed Punks hand and dragged him towards the zip lining, leaving him no choice. 

"Where are you guys going?!" Roman asked. We ran into Dean and Roman, who were going towards the paddle boating.

"Zip Lining!" I pulled Punk close to me and wrapped my arms around  his stomach. 

"What he said. I'm afraid if I say anything other, he'll kill me." Punk giggled as did Roman Dean and I.

"Well, have fun zip lining!" Dean said as he and Roman waved us goodbye as we mirrored their actions.

"This is going to be so much fun!" I said as we joined the waiting line.

"I can't wait until it gets dark! I heard that they have these little camp fires familys and couples. And I just love to sit at the campfire after going to the pool, its sounds so romantic and comfortable. Oh, uh of course the romance part would be for Dean and Roman." Punk awkwardly smiled.

"I love campfires, ohmygod, we should tell stories around the campfire!" I smiled.

"What kind of stories? Scary ones? Funny ones? Cute ones?" Punk poked my side making me jump a little and smile.

"All types of stories!" I threw my hands around his shoulders and hugged him. 

"Next in line?" The man said, I let go of Punk and walked forward.

"Two?" The man asked as we both nodded. He gave us all the weird crap he had to put on and then told us what we had to do. "Okay you have to wrap your legs around your friends waist and hold on to the handles above you. You understand?"

"Yep." I followed the mans orders as he nodded and let us go. I blushed at the fact that Punk and I had to be in this awkward position. But the view was beautiful. Especially since it was over the lake. I laughed as Punk did the same.

"We have to do this in the night time, you know how beautiful it would be?" Punk said as the ride was beginning to end.

"Yes! oh my god lets do it tonight!" I said as the ride stopped and they helped us out of the crap we were equipped with. 

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