Chapter 11 (Part 1)

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-Wade POV-
It's started to become late, so Drew and I went into my room, were extremely close friends, so we sleep in the same bed and cuddle and all that.
"I'm tired as shit." Drew took off his shirt and pants, he went into my drawer and put on some of my basketball shorts.
"Really?" I said as I took off my shirt.
"Yes really." He got under my covers "Your blankets bed and pillows are so fluffy what the fuck? How?" Drew rolled around under the covers like a little kid.
"I like fluffy things." I turned on my tv and turned off the lights i turned on my fan and turned it towards my bed. It gets hot when Drews in my bed. He's a heater.
"Why why why whyyyyy do you always turn on the faaaaan?!" Drew groaned. And went under the covers, the covers are so fluffy that I don't even know where Drew went under there.
"Because you're a heater." I got under the covers taking the risk of Drew attacking me.
"No I'm not." Drews head emerged from the covers right from under my arm as he put his hand on my chest and smirked. "I'm just uh...okay maybe I am a heater, but I'm perfect for winter time Aren't I?"
"I guess so." I laughed as Drew put his head on my chest and I put my arm around him as I rested my head on his.
I didn't know what we were watching but Drew fell asleep on me. For some reason I couldn't fall asleep and it was 2 in the morning. I went on my phone and looked through my contacts, I saw Seths name under: "Sethie Baby😍💕" I rolled my eyes but I decided to not change the name. I thought about last night and all of a sudden the whole night popped into my head. I remeberd everything I felt and what Seth and I did.
-Wades memory- (starting where Seth left off)
*Grinding on Seth, my member was against his and it felt amazing. I decided it was time to stop teasing both him and I and just put it in already. I stopped and looked into Seth eyes.
"You ready for this?" I smiled close to his lips.
"I've been ready! All your doing is teasing me!" Seth whined. I laughed and kissed him once more before taking my member and putting it in slowly into his entrance. He moaned softly and gripped my back, I slowly started to go faster as Seth scratched down my back a buried his face into my neck.
"Am I hurting you?"
"No, go faster." Seth breathed out.
I followed his directions and went faster. Seth continued to scratch up my back and moaned louder. He was so tight, and he was gripping on my dick. A feeling I've never felt before, I've never had sex with a boy before. I always planned to have my first time with Drew..once I told him I liked him. But doing it with Seth for the first time is something I don't regret.
"Wade." Seth moaned loudly "Faster!"
I went faster and before I knew it I was going really fast. I knew I was hitting his prostate every time now as he moaned and I moaned with him screaming his name now. The pleasure took over the pain of Seth scratching my back. I'm pretty sure I was bleeding. But I didn't care cause this felt amazing. Before I knew it I busted inside of him moaning loudly as Seth busted right after me. I thrusted inside him a few more times... I wanted to do this again. I was ready for round two.
"Wade. I want to do it again." Seth said letting go of his grip on my back.
"As do I. But let's take a very short break. I want to see what you did to my back. And let us catch our breath." I pulled out of Seth and put my basketball shorts on that I always put underneath my jeans that were across the room.** I stumbled down the hall way since I was still drunk. I heard Seth giggle and I ignored it. Once I reached the bathroom I turned around and I was right, my back was bleeding.
"God damn it seth" I muttered as I cleaned off my back with wet paper towels. At least it was just a little blood. I threw the paper towels out. I left the bathroom. And found Seth jumping up and down impatiently on the bed with a blanket wrapped around him, I guess he cleaned up also. Wonder if he's naked under the blanket?
Seth looked at me and smiled. "I ordered us more beer."
"You what? Oh my god Seth your such a naughty boy." I teased as I grabbed his chin and kissed him passionately. I was already wanting to fuck the living brains out of Seth but I decided to wait until we got as drunk as we were before. I separated myself before I got to the point where I couldn't control myself. Seth pouted.
"After we drink." I pecked his lips and I heard a knock at the door. Seth handed me the money to pay. I answered and Seth ordered three six packs of beer. I turned around around at him and gave him a what the fuck?! Look before giving the man the money Seth gave me. I put it down on the counter and shut the door.
"What in the bloody hell?! This is way too much."
"You think?" Seth giggled and stood up letting the blanket fall behind him. And he was naked, great. Just get my blood rushing why don't you? He went to get a beer and he sat down on the bed covering himself with the blanket once again. He's killing me. I grabbed a beer and sat down with Seth trying not to let my hormones get control of myself.

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