Chapter 6

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Roman POV
Since he drank that beer he was starting to have one of those weird fazes where he acted like a little kid. But this time he was so much more cuter.
"Rommy I'm thirsty, can we get something to drink? I'll drink anything. Especially a beer. But I know you won't let me drink anymore." he made a pouty face. "But I'll still drink whatever there is." He looked up at me giving me a hopeful face.
"Fine. But let's be quiet just in case Wade and Seth are sleeping. They don't need to be woken up if they are." I said sitting up.
"Okay let's go!" Dean jumped up and walked to the door. I followed behind him. I grabbed my car keys. Since it was like 5:30 the sky was a very dark blue which meant the sun was coming up. We pretty much stayed up all night. Dean opened the door and I heard snoring. Dean started to giggle as I grabbed his wrist and dragged him out the room. I knew nothing was in the fridge since this was a hotel so I was just gonna drive Dean to a store that looked open. I opened the front door as slowly as possible and locked the door on the way out. I had the key to the hotel room in my pocket. I didn't want some criminal coming into the hotel room and killing Wade and Seth while we were gone.
"Rommy you don't have a shirt on." Dean laughed.
"Fuck!" The one thing i forgot, a stupid shirt!
"I'm taking your shirt and I'll go into the store and once I get your drink I'll give it back to you. Okay?" I let go of Deans wrist walked down the hallway towards the elevators. I pressed the button waiting for the stupid elevator as Dean nodded in agreement.
So after we got Deans drink I gave him back his shirt and went inside the hotel. Dean followed behind me drinking his Pepsi like a little kid. The lady behind the desk was looking at me. After a few seconds she quickly looked down and she looked kind of scared. I turned around to see Dean giving her a dirty look. I turned away quickly before he could see that I was looking. Aww he's so cute!
-Dean POV-
We stopped at the elevator waiting for it to come and I saw Roman smiling to himself and kinda blushing. Did he like that girl? Did he see me give her a dirty look? It makes me jealous, so many girls are attracted to Roman and they probably have a better chance with him then I do. The elevator dinged and the door opened as Roman walked in and I followed.
"Rommy I'm tired." I put my head on his shoulder.
"I'm tired too. Once we get back into the bedroom we can fall asleep to movies and wake up to pounding headaches and no memory of what happened along with Wade and Seth." Roman put his arm around my shoulder.
"Okay." I put my head on his chest and sighed in dissatisfaction. I know I just met him yesterday... But I honestly feel something with him that I've never felt before. I think I'm in love...

Hey guys I'm just saying that if you see a photo with "Moxley.Over.Sanity" on it it means it's my edit that I've made and is probably posted on Instagram. If you like them then go follow me on there, my info is in my bio, I'll go now lol byeee ❤️❤️

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