Chapter 15

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-Wade POV-
I woke up to an annoying alarm. I looked and it was 7:40. I saw something glowing from Romans pocket. That's where the sounds coming from. Seth was on my lap and his head was on the crook of my neck. I slowly reached towards Roman and slapped his face, hoping I didn't wake Dean or Seth up.
"Wake up you dick munch!" I pulled his hair and his eyes flashed open and he gave me a death stare.
"Why'd you touch my hair?" Roman whispered
"Your alarm." I pointed to his pocket.
"Oh shit! WAKE UP BOTH OF YOU!" Roman yelled. Dean jumped 6 feet high and fell to the ground covering himself. And Seth stretched out like a cat rubbing his eye.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Seth smacked Romans arm.
"I don't want to be late for our flight." Roman smacked Seth back before crawling on the floor to Dean rubbing his back. Dean latched on to Roman crying. "Guys go get ready I'm gonna figure out what's wrong with Dean." Roman said hugging Dean. I grabbed Seths wrist and led him to the bedroom so that the two could have their private time.
-Roman POV-
"Dean what's wrong why'd you jump like that? Did you have a nightmare?"
"N-no...Im afraid of loud sounds..." Dean clutched on to me.
"How come?"
"I dad, he hit me all the time. And when I wouldn't wake up he'd yell and hit me. And if I didn't follow his rules, he'd hit me. Bad grades, wham, came home late, wham, defended my mother, wham... Nothing could stop him. He was an alcoholic. I hate him." Dean cried more and held on to me for Dear life. Wow who knew somebody like Dean would have had a past like that?
"I'm sorry. He won't hurt you anymore. Not if I'm with you." I hugged him tighter as he sniffled and looked up at me.
"You're so nice to me." Dean smiled, I wiped away his tears.
"You're worth it." Dean smiled at what I said and hugged me.
"Maybe being in the shield won't be as bad as I thought." Dean snuggled into my chest.
"Hey, let's get ready." I picked him up and put him on the couch. "I'll get our things." I walked into the bedroom to find Seth on the bed and Wade fixing his beanie.
"Let's go dorks." I grabbed Dean and My bag.
"Is Dean okay?" Seth asked
"Yea. I'll talk to you about it later." I walked out of the room and grabbed the hotel keys. "Is everyone ready?" Everyone stared at me with a blank face as Dean sniffled and walked next to me. "Taking that as a yes." I turned around as Seth and Wade followed behind me and Dean.
-Time skip to the airport and into the air plane-
I sat down and sighed, we made it just in time. Thanks to Seth we were almost late.
"Your lucky we even made it." I kicked Seths chair. Wade and him were in front of Dean and I.
"I was hungry!" Seth muffled with a bagel in his mouth. I rolled my eyes as Dean chuckled.
"This traveling is gonna take a while to get used to." I laughed
"Especially with Seth." Dean smiled
"Hey!" Seth said
"You sound like your choking on a dick stop talking." I laughed as Wade and Dean laughed with me. Seth flipped us off including Wade and continued to stuff his face.
"You feeling better?" I turned to Dean.
"A little." He wrapped his arms around mine.
"I'm sorry for scaring you." I felt really bad. Cause it was my fault the poor thing bursted into tears.
"It's okay. You didn't know. Your voice is super deep and scary when you yell." Dean shrugged.
"I've noticed."
"But it's cute when your not yelling." Dean held my arm tighter and looked at my tribal tattoo. "Your tattoo is so cool."
"Thanks. It's a Samoan tribal tattoo." I smiled at what Dean said before. He thinks My voice is cute. Honestly I just want him to be mine already. He's so perfect in every way. I wonder if he even feels the same way? Deans hand joined together with mine while I was in my lost of thought. I held his hand tightly as my phone went off. I bet that's Wade. I checked my screen to find out I was right.
-Dean POV-
My phone went off 15 minutes after Romans and it turned out Seth was texting me.
S: Hey
D: Hey what's up?
S: nothing. I feel like this flights gonna be so boring.
D: cuddle up next to Wade.
S: I'm shy he's texting roman.
D: I'm cuddling next to Roman and he's texting Wade. And I'm texting you.
S: maybe when he's done. You like Roman don't you??
I blushed after I read that.
D: just a little.
That was a lie. A huge one.
S: dawww that so cute!
D: so were you and Wade today. Do you have feelings for him?
S: yea, I do. I don't think he likes me...
D: I think he does. I can tell by how he acts around you.
S: you think?
D: certainly.
S: I don't know. At least we're not awkward like I thought we would be.
D: very true but that's a good thing.
S: my phones about to die, I'll text you when it's charged.
D: gotcha.
I put my phone down and turned to roman, he turned towards me the same time I did.
"Hey." He smiled
"Hey." I smiled back cuddling close to him. "How much more longer is this stupid flight gonna take?"
"Like 6 hours." I groaned
I decided to make the attempt to sleep. It'll pass the time.

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