Chapter 7

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-Roman POV-
Once we got into the hotel room Dean automatically ran into the bed room and I heard the springs on the bed from the bedroom. Of course Dean had to jump on the bed. Wade reacted to the sound, he groaned and turned away from Seth making Seth react to the movement. Seth stretched out and his hand ended up on Wades ass. Literally what the fuck? I walked to the bedroom and found Dean curled up in a ball already looking through movies. I went to close the curtains since light was starting to get into the room, the room became instantly dark again, just how I like it. Since it was the type of curtain to keep the sunlight out, it would stay pitch black all day, which was even better. I closed the door and layed next to Dean and put the covers over us, he put on Scream 2.
"This is my favorite movie, have you watched it?" Dean turned towards me.
"Yes I love this movie." I smiled as Dean smiled back and turned towards the screen.
"Then let's watch it." Dean cuddled next to me and put his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around him as he took a sip of his Pepsi, I forgot he had that thing. Eventually we both fell asleep.
I opened my eyes and my head hurt a little bit but not as much as I thought it would. I didn't feel too well but it was certainly better than any of my previous hangovers. I noticed Dean wasn't next to me.I hardly remember what we did at the bar. Coming back to the hotel had a few blurs but I could remember the main things that happened. The rest of the night all I knew is that Dean kissed my cheek,(which i can't believe happened) Wade and Seth had sex, Dean gave a girl a dirty look for staring at me shirtless, and we fell asleep watching scream 2.
I made a few attempts to sit up and once I did I slowly got off the bed and walked slowly towards the door, I felt lifeless. One of the symptoms of my hangovers that I hated. Once I reached the door after ten years, I opened it and heard throwing up. I wonder if that's Dean? I once again lifelessley walked towards the bathroom door and I knocked on the door.
"Whoever you are let me in. I just woke up."
"It's me. Just open the god damn door." Turns out it was Dean. I opened the door and peeked in. Deans face was over the toilet as he flushed it.
"I think I'm okay for now. Also next time we all get drunk, let's not buy Pepsi. It doesn't go good with my stomach." Dean tried to get up but fell back on his ass.
"Need some help?" I laughed
"Maybe." Dean smiled. His smile was so perfect ugh. I grabbed Deans hands and I pulled him up as his eyes met mine.
"Let's go see if Wade and Seth up. I wanna see if they remember last night. I walked out the bathroom as Dean followed, reminds me of last night when he gave the lady a dirty look. Or should I say this morning.
"You walk slow." Dean said
"I would walk faster if I could but I can't, I don't feel well either Ya know." I walked in to see Wade holding his head in pain as Seth was still sleeping peacefully. That's until he wakes up.
"What the bloody hell happened last night? And why did I wake up with only my boxers on?" Wade looked up at both Dean and I. He laughed and I hit his chest.
"It's not funny you dork." I tried to keep a serious face but I cracked a smile.
"Kinda is." He laughed.
"Oh shut up." I turned to Wade as he was still waiting for an answer.
"Where should I start?" I went to go sit next to Wade and Dean went into the bedroom.
"Im calling the hotel slut to bring food up here." I think he remembered the lady at the front desk.
"Tell me what happened!" Wade turned at me.
"Okay, um..."

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