Chapter 44

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-Dean POV-

Once we got to the sex shop there were so many things I wanted to try with Rommie but he was looking at everything as if it was a foreign document.
"Babe! theres a fake ass in here!" Roman said trying not to giggle.
"I guess straight guys use that." I shrugged as I looked at some prostate crap. "Holy shit Rome look this thing goes up your asshole!"
"Oh my god that sounds amazing, and it vibrates too!" Rommie examined the box.
"I think we should get a double sided dildo, and maybe that prostate thing."
"Maybe-" Roman phone began to ring. "Hello? Yea I know on Monday we've gotta go to Ohio. Wait what?! No, why? I like the shield! No, Seth won't do that. I'll fucking quit!" I tapped his shoulder. "I'll call you back." He hung up the phone.
"What the hell was that?"
"They want Seth to betray us and go with the authority. Do you think Seth will agree with that?" Rome sighed. I hope he doesn't have any doubts.
"He's probably gonna get a call about it soon. Let's go buy the dildo and the prostate thing and let's call him, yeah?" I said twirling his hair.
Seth POV
"Can't there be something else I can do Yea I understand that but they're my best friends- of course you don't care.. Well then maybe I'll just quit.. Oh and also Wades injured, he got shot in the leg so he's gonna be out. He's going to send that Doctor crap today. So let me talk it over with the guys, and I'll let you know what's up. Alright, okay bye."
"So you're planning to quit? Where would you work?" Wade asked as he layed down in his bed and patted the empty spot next to him.
"Impact may accept me. Maybe even Ring of Honor."
"Drews in impact."
"Even better, him and I could be friends!" I said laying down next to wade.
"That's true. I think he's got a crush on Stephen."
"Stephen?! Who's that?" I've never heard of a Stephen.
"That Sheamus guy. He doesn't talk about having a crush much, but he asks about him a lot cause I talk to Stephen at work." Wade shrugged.
"Oh him. He's a walking piece of paper." I giggled. Wade rolled his eyes as my phone began to ring, it was dean.
"YES ITS FUCKING RIDICULOUS." Dean yelled back, I heard Roman in the background telling Dean to be quiet.
"Rome wants to quit, and if he's quitting I'm quitting. You don't have to though."
"No, I want to quit too, we could go in impact, or Ring Of Honor." I wouldn't think they would want to quit.
"Then I guess we're all going to quit then?" Dean questioned.
"Yep, I'll call and tell them we're all quitting then, I hope we're making a good choice."
"Me too Seth."
He hung up as I sighed and looked at Wade.
"Don't worry, I'll be cheering you on in the audience." I kissed Wade, he smiled and held my hand, we eventually fell asleep.

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