Chapter 35

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-Dean Pov-
Since today was our last day at the Poconos and roman and I sat all day in our cabin doing absolutely nothing. I didn't want to spend my last day here like this.
"Let's do something!" I rolled over onto Romans lap looking up at him with puppy eyes.
"I'll do you." Roman said jokingly as I hit his shoulder and shook my head.
"Maybe tonight but only if we can do something!"
"How about the pool? Or zip lining?"
"Let's do the pool first." I got up and ran into the bedroom to put on my bathing suit. I love going to the pool, it's so relaxing, and I get to see my baby shirtless. His wet hair dripping from its ends onto his beautiful body, and his tribal tattoo, fuck it's so hot. I shook the thought of Roman out of my mind and put in my bathing suit. I grabbed a towel and grabbed Romans bathing suit. I threw it at him as he gave me a stare and I kissed his cheek before running out the cabin towards the pool. He's going to kick my ass.
-Seth Pov-
Punk and I were talking about stuff when my phone began to ring. I looked at the caller ID and my eyes widened.
"Oh my god, it's Wade." A smile spread across my face but it quickly turned into a frown.
"Answer it!" Punk pulled me out of my thoughts. I jumped before answering it and walking out the front door. What ever I say to Wade I don't want Punk hearing it.
"Seth. When you get back I really need to talk to you."
"Why what happened? I-is something wrong? Are you okay?" I heard Wade sigh.
"I'm alright. Don't worry. I just want to talk to you about a few things between us."
"That sounds fine. I get back home tomorrow. I'll text you once I'm back then. Actually, I think I'll be texting you all night. I really fucking miss you. But I'm really upset with you also." I already felt my eyes tearing up.
"I miss you too. And I know. We both have explaining to do."
"Both of us?" I didn't go off and get drunk with my best friend.
"About you and Punk. It seems like you really fancy him."
"Oh. I don't know." That was a lie, I did know. I really did like Punk.
"I guess we will have to talk about it tomorrow. Ill let you have fun at the Poconos."
"Alright." I sighed.
"I love you." We both said at the same time. There was silence. I quickly hung up. I looked around for Punk, I really hope he didn't hear me on the phone. I don't want him to think he doesn't have a chance with me. I went to my phone and texted Wade. I put my phone in my pocket and went inside the cabin.
"What did he have to say?" Punk asked.
"He wants to talk to me once I get back tomorrow." I shrugged. "It's probably nothing. If he says sorry I don't think I can forgive him right then and there." Another lie. Knowing me I'll forgive him when I really didn't mean it. I sat next to punk and put my head on his lap. "Let's just watch tv until sunset starts, and we could head to the pool."
"Alright. You sure everything's okay?"

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