Chapter 36

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-Dean Pov-
Today's the day we get the fuck out of here. I loved this trip so much. While I was packing Roman called me over.

"Dean come here!"

"Why?" I whined.

"I have a surprise for you!" Once I heard that I ran to the living area where Roman was. He was holding something behind his back.

"What is it?" 

"Here." He handed a bag to me. Looked like it came from the gift shop. "Its not much but i wasn't the one who went to go get it, Punk did, I knew if i left to go get it you would want to come and it would be too hard to keep you away from it." Roman said as I pulled out a panda bear that was holding a heart that said: I love you on it.

"Aw baby I love it!" I hugged him an kissed his cheek. "I'll keep it with me on the ride home." I smiled as I went back into the bed room to continue packing my things, i put the bear next to my suitcase.

-Seth POV-

"Oh my god today we have to go! UGH!" I groaned as i threw my clothes into my bag. 

"Don't worry well have another day where this happens, its not like life is over." Punk said as he zipped up his bag.

"It is the end of the world! i have to talk to Wade today." I whined.

"Its not the end of the world." Punk shook his head and helped me put my things away. "You brought your own shampoo?"

"Yes, if I use anything else it will damage my hair." I flipped my hair as Punk laughed and continued to pack my things.

-Wade POV-

"Drew, we need to talk." I walked over to Drew as he raised an eyebrow and stuffed his face with more potato chips. "What happened the past two don't think of them as anything right?"

"Oh no, we were drunk, and then hung over. It was just something that happened, right?" Drew said with a mouthful.

"Yea, I was just hoping you felt the same way I did, it turns out you did. I didn't want you to think we were a thing or anything, because you know, I still love Seth and all."

"Dinnae fash yersel, I'm sure he still has feelings for you too." Drew shrugged.

"Dinnae wha?"

"It means don't worry about it."

"He seems to fancy Punk quite a bit Drew." I sat beside him on the couch.

"Well they aren't in a relationship, you still have your chance to win him back! You just have to prove to him why he should choose you, not Punk."

"Well I basically threw myself under the bus, with all the snapchats and such." I sighed.

"Well try fucking harder!" Drew yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"We'll see today."

"What time you want me leavin'?" 

"Whenever Seth is on his way, would be fine." I stood up. "I'm going to shower."

"Alright." Drew said, continuing to shove chips into his mouth. at least were still best friends.

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