Chapter 19

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-Dean POV-
"I heard moans from the bathroom. What was that all about? Huh?" I wanted to bug Seth since I didn't have anything better to do.
"Shut up Dean!" Seth smiled.
"So what happened huh?" Iaughed getting close to Seth.
He told me what happened in detail as my jaw dropped.
"And now I don't know if were dating or not." Seth sighed.
"Do you want to be with him?"
"Yes! Of course! But the thing is I don't want things to go too fast with us. Plus good relationships aren't good ones if you start out a fuck buddies." Seth sat up staring at the tv as Wade left the stage with victory.
"Then don't start out as fuck buddies. After tonight no more fucking wade. Become cute with him. Hold his hand, cuddle with him. No kissing! Unless its on the cheek. Kissing can lead to sex. And you're a horny shit." I laughed as Seth stuck his tongue out at me. "And if he tries to kiss you then you make sure its just a kiss. NOT A MAKEOUT SESSION!" I got close to his face to make myself clear. "Control those hormones." I leaned back in my seat a crossed my arms.
"I'll try." Seth shrugged.
"Dont try, do it. And if you break my rules tell me." I laughed.
"Fine!" Seth rolled his eyes."So your basiclly telling me to act like you and Ro together?" I blushed at what he said. Do we really act like that?
"If you wanna put it that way." I shrugged. "You think you can walk back to the locker room?"
"Just need a little help." Seth said. I put his arm around my shoulder and helped him to the locker room.
-Roman POV-
I just got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist and left the bathroom to go grab my bag when Dean and Seth enter our locker room.
"Oh hey." I laughed grabbing my bag.
"Hey." Dean put Seth down on the bench.
I went and changed and came back out and Wade was sitting next to Seth holding him.
"I'll be fine after a shower tonight." Seth said, talking to Wade. I walked up behind Dean and wrapped my arms around his waist as he jumped a little but then put his head on my chest and smiling and closing his eyes.
We all talked for a while until we were told that we could leave. Hunter told us we did great and told Wade that hes going to be facing Dolph Ziggler. Last time I checked Dean thinks hes super hot. And he gave Wade a jealous look as if he wanted to face Ziggler. Good thing he cant. Cause hes mine. Even though he doesnt know it hes MINE.
Once we got back to the hotel room I went straight into the bedroom and switched my pants with sweatpants and took off my shirt. I'm fucking tired. I turned off the lights and buried myself under the sheets. I heard the door creak open. Must be Dean.
"Rommy?" I heard the door close.
"Come near the bed it'll eat you." I giggled.
"I'm already near the bed." Deans voice was closer. I shot my hand out the sheets and grabbed Dean by his waist and made him fall on the bed with me. I popped my head out of the sheets and I was basically touching noses with Dean. I smiled.
"I told you." I put the sheets over him and let him snuggle into my chest.
"Well I didn't care." Dean shrugged.
"Of course you didn't." I kissed the side of his head before resting mine on top of his.
"Night Rommy." Dean curled up into a ball and kissed my cheek.
"Night Dean." I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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