Chapter 21

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-Dean POV-
Seth slowly walked in holding on to wades arm.
"Wade I want to talk to Seth privately since you aren't in trouble." I gave Seth an evil glare.
"BUT I WANT HIM TO STAAAAAY!!!" Seth yelled as I jumped a little. Roman rubbed my back as I held the bridge of my nose.
"No Seth." I sighed as Wade walked away kissing Seths head before leaving the room. Seth stayed in the same spot and looked at me with his adorable eyes.
"Okay asswipe what did I tell you yesterday?" I leaned back on Romans chest.
"You said no more fucking Wade after last night and well, we haven't stopped since last night...." Seths voice faded as he said his last word.
"Wades dick is probably all pruned up now." Roman said as I laughed.
"Rommy shut up." I hit his shoulder.
"And we decided that if we kept fucking on the bed that we would end up paying for new sheets since I came multiple times on the blanket so we went into the shower." Seth blurted out.
"You guys will never turn out to have a good relationship if you start out like this! Now that Wades dick is out of your asshole NO MORE SEX! If you want sex then masturbate. Put a dildo up your ass I don't care just don't fuck Wade until you guys gain an actual relationship."
"Yea yea I know act all cute and shy like you an roman." Seth rolled his eyes as I blushed. I wish he would shut up about that.
"Shut up, I'm trying to make sure you're happy."
"I know! But UGH!" Seth stomped to the bedroom.
"He's like a kid." Roman laughed.
"And we have to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." I huffed.
"Like parents."
"Pretty much."
"We have a kid that we just started randomly raising now?" Roman laughed.
"Yes now we do." I smiled and stood up. I'm showering. Roman stood up and came close to me. He grabbed my waist.
"Dean I've been wanting to do this for a while but I didn't kno-" I jumped on to Roman kissing his lips. The impact of my body made roman fall backwards on to the couch. I was on top of him as Roman kissed back and held me by my hips. Once we finally let go for air he smiled.
"I know, my morning breath stinks." I crunched up my face.
"No I barely even noticed it. You're just really cute. And a good kisser." He smiled and pulled me close. "Go take your shower." He let go of me as I smiled to myself and stood up. I walked to the bathroom. I can't believe I had the fucking guts to kiss him. I'm so happy I met him. I hope he feels the same..

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