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-Dean POV-

I knocked on Seths and Punks cabin door, I need to talk to Seth, about Wade, and make sure he's okay.

"Hey Dean." Punk answered the door.

"Is he okay?" 

"Once he came back to the cabin he began to cry again." Punk shrugged.

"Maybe I could help, do you mind?" 

"Go ahead. I'll go talk to Roman while you two talk." Punk walked out of the cabin as I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"Seth? I know you in here somewhere." I looked around in the well sized cabin, going into the bedroom, I found Seth laying down, scrolling through his his phone underneath a blanket, tears stained his cheeks. I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm fine Dean." Seth buried himself under the sheets.

"You're not." I pulled the sheets off of him and grabbed his phone. "Listen to me!" Seth groaned and turned his back towards me. "Colby Fucking Lopez listen to me!" I hit his side, not enough to hurt him but enough to make him pay fucking attention.

"What?! Don't call me that!" Seth turned back around.

"Sit up." Seth followed my command as he ran his  fingers through his hair and rubbed his eyes.

"I already know what your gonna say, Wade is no good for me blah blah blah." Seth rolled his eyes and sniffled.

"No, I already said that shit. Look, whatever he does is none of your business, all you need to care about is yourself, and Punk, and Roman. Honestly, it looks like he likes you, and I see you flirting with him."

"Wait, you said Punk, myself and Roman, what about you?" Seth looked at me.

"Don't worry about me."

"But I do. Your my friend." 

"Fine then worry about me." I shrugged. "Just to let you know, I'm gonna knock some sense into fucking Wade, I don't like to see you cry."

"Don't do anything, maybe I deserve it, since I've been hanging out with Punk and flirting with him." Seth dropped his head on my shoulder.

"No, you don't. Wade was all close to Drew before you were to Punk. And Punk is better for you, now come on, lets make these next two days fun. No more crying. And by the way, I think you need to make a move on Punk, he's super shy and stuff, so I think he won't be making the first move." I winked as Seth and kissed his head before standing up. "Good night, I love you." 

"I love you too." Seth said as I made my way towards the door and back to the cabin.

-Roman POV-

Dean walked in as I was talking to Punk. 

"Hey baby." I looked at him as he stretched and yawned.

"I'll get going now. Thanks for the advice Roman." Punk stood up from the couch and said good night to Dean, before leaving.

"You gave him advice?" Dean walked towards me and sat on my lap.

"Yep, I told him to go and fuck the living shit out of Seth tonight." I said sarcastically as Dean gave me a look. "I'm joking! I told him to take things slow with Seth, and try to be more, uh, expressive with Seth, and you know, not be so awkward."

"Good, I was about to run over there." Dean hit my shoulder as I held him tighter.

"I knew you probably would." I pecked his lips.

-Nobodys POV-

Roman wanted to try something different, with Dean. Since its been three months that Roman and Dean have been together, Roman thinks maybe they could make love. He didn't know if Dean would even accept. If he didn't Roman wouldn't mind. He wants Dean happy, and doesn't want to rush absolutely nothing with this man, he couldn't loose him. But he's only human, his hormones are one of the things that he couldn't control.

"Dean, I wanted to ask you something." Roman looked down at Deans hands, that were now on his lap.

"What is it?" Dean moved himself closer to Roman, making Roman feel a bit more nervous.

"I thought maybe we could try something new." Roman put his hand over Deans, Dean looked up at Roman, he already had an idea what he could be talking about.

"You mean, sex?" Dean intertwined his fingers with Romans, as Roman nodded. "Tonight..?"

"If thats okay with-" Roman was interrupted with Deans lips against his own. He automatically kissed back as Dean climbed on top of Roman.

"Bedroom." Dean got off of Roman and ran towards the bedroom as Roman ran behind him.

~Hey guys thanks so much for all the support on this story, It's really fun writing this, and I hope you guys look forward to further chapters. And don't worry, theres a sex scene next chapter, I'll be sure to update soon, I love you my beauties!~

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