Chapter 2

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-Dean POV
Holy fucking shit Roman is sexy as fuck. But I can't show that I like him cause then he'll probably judge or something and then I'll be fucking sucks I'm probably the only gay one here, since Seth has a fiancé which is probably a girl and Roman doesn't even look like he would be interested in even looking at a guy in that type of way...
"Yea I guess I'll sit down." Roman sat next to me. Ugh why did I ask him to sit next to me now it's harder for me not to look at his face.
"So should we figure out a name for us?" Seth broke the silence.
"Yea." Both me and Roman said quickly in harmony. I knew I was blushing, I turned away from Roman so he didn't see it.
Roman laughed "That was funny, anyways I thought of a name but I don't think you guys are gonna like it."
"I'm all ears." Seth said
"Okay.. How about The Sheild?" Roman smirked to himself "Yea I know you guys probably think it's stupid."
"Nahh I like it" I smiled
"Same, we should go with it, what do ya say Dean?" Seth looked at me waiting for an answer
"Yea lets go with it." I looked at Seth then turned to Roman.
Roman chuckled a little to himself before he looked at me. Oh my dear fucking Jesus his eyes are gorgeous. I looked away quickly.
-Seth POV
These guys are actually not that bad. But I feel like Dean likes Roman or something. But I don't think he's gay or bisexual. Eh probably just my mind playing tricks on me.
"So what do we do after this?" I looked at both of them as they looked at each other and then turned away. They've been doing that since the blonde left. My phone started to ring. I checked the caller ID and it was my fiancé.
"Hey babe" I answered.
"Hey baby... I gotta tell you something. And I would tell you in person but it would hurt me to see you hurt.
I was scared. Ugh fuck! "Tell me it then" I tried not to sound concerned.
"I'm leaving you... Now that you're in WWE you'll be traveling and I'll barely see you. Maybe we can try again sometime else. But... I love you." She sounded like she could care less. Wow. I can't believe what I just heard.
"Wow... Fuck you. Don't ever speak to me again."
"Baby wai-" I hung up and blocked her number. I don't want to hear about her ever again.
"Hey you mind if I asked what happened? You look pretty pissed." Roman tapped my shoulder lightly like I was delicate or something. He's been pretty shy anyways. I get it.
"My fiancé broke up with me. She said since I'm in WWE that's I won't have enough time for her. And she didn't even sound like she cared." I rolled my eyes. I wasn't really sad about the subject I'm more pissed but the tears will come sooner or later.
"Hey I'm sorry dude. I didn't know girls were such assholes to guys" Roman
"Same. Like I know it's weird already admitting this on the first day meeting you guys but I feel comfortable with you guys. But back to the subject, I'm gay." Dean looked down and I could tell he was still a little shy about it.
"Hey well I'm bisexual." Roman rose his hand up and smiled shyly.
"Bi-curious. I've always been but then I got with my ex fiancé for like 2 years so I never got the experience." I shrugged. "Looks like all of us have something in common kinda." I laughed and so did Dean and Roman.
"Hey let's go to the bar tonight so that Seth can forget about this for a night and celebration for the creation of The Shield." Roman blurted out.
"Yea sure why not, you in Seth?" Dean looked at me.
"Yup lets go find the boss see what else we need to do." I walked out the door as they guys followed.
We decided to go to the hotel that has a bar in their basement so that we didn't have to go far if we got drunk. We ordered our room and we went downstairs to the Bar.
"Hey! You three!" I heard a British accent and I got chills. Damn I like his accent. I turned around to a man with a beard just like me and light colored eyes, I wasn't sure what color they were, he was too far away for me to see. He had a sleeveless shirt on and he had two different tattoos on both of his upper arms his hair was brushed back. He was kinda cute honestly.
"Hey, do I know you cause if I do I don't remember you. Dean walked towards him as Roman and I followed. He had greenish hazel eyes oh my god they were gorgeous!
"The names Wade Barrett. I was coming to the bar to get a drink and I saw you guys and you guys looked familiar from the locker room." He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back trying not to blush.
"Hey well that's Dean, and thats Seth and my names Roman." He pointed at us and then put his hand in front of him to shake his hand. They shook hands.
"Hey if you want we could get a booth and all of us hang out here." Dean suggested. We all agreed and got a booth and ordered some drinks. I went on the left side of the booth and sat near the wall so that there was space for someone to sit next to me. Hopefully Wade. Dean and Roman sat next to each other and they turned their faces the opposite way so that neither of them could see each other. They would be such an adorable couple. I was lost in my thoughts and I noticed Wade was already sitting next to me. Yes! I got my wish.
We all talked for a while and Dean and Roman were starting to talk to each other and they weren't as shy. After a few drinks Wade and Roman were drunk and Dean was getting there and so was I. Wade told a joke that made all of us crack up to the point where we couldn't breathe I couldn't sit up so I put my head on Wades shoulder. I noticed what I was doing and I calmed down and got off of his shoulder and blushed at little.
"Hey why did you get off? My shoulders cold now." Wade groaned. "Come here bud! Your awesome!" He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to his chest and started shaking me violently. "Holy shit Wade stop!" I said in a whiney kiddy voice. "Stop shaking at least. I'm kinda drunk." I laughed and so did Dean and Roman.
"Fine." Wade stopped shaking me and now my head was on his chest. His heart beat was slow and calming. I really liked it. He kept his arm around me and I snuggled into his chest, he was so warm.

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