Chapter 4 (Part 1)

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Roman POV
So Dean thought he was on a ship as did Seth. And I mean I was drunk but not like Dean or Seth. Dear Jesus I don't know what the hell they drank it it got them pretty fucked up. Once all of us were in the hotel room I decided to take a shower I put Dean down on the bed.
"ROMMY NOOO!!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING???" Dean started rolling on the bed and whining like a baby.
"Dean I'm just gonna go get my suitcase from my car and shower, calm down." I laughed at Deans cuteness.
"I don't wanna go to bed alone though." Dean finally stopped rolling and made a pouty face. Augh oh my god he's literally gonna make me go over there and and kiss him I swear. But I gotta control myself I don't even know if he likes me like that...
"Dean once I'm done showering I promise I'll come in here and I'll keep you company." I left the bed room and I saw that the couch was already pulled out and I saw Wade on it as he turned around and looked at me.
"Hey you may wanna watch out..." Wade pointed behind me and before I could turn around Seth randomly jumped on my back.
"HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL TREE!!!" Seth started messing my hair up.
"THE FUCK WADE GET HIM OFF OF ME!!" I tried to get Seth off but I couldn't. Wade came over and pulled Seth off of me. I fixed my hair as Wade threw Seth on the pull out couch.
"No more jumping on Roman you hear me?" Wade waved his finger at Seth as Seth stared at it not answering Wade.
"Do. You. Hear. Me?" Wade got closer to Seths face and I saw Seth blush. I could tell he had a thing for Wade. Drunk or not he couldn't hide it.
"Yea yea whatever you say" Seth rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
"Hey, if you don't listen to me there's gonna be consequences mister." Wade grabbed Seths face and turned it towards his face and this time they were closer than before, their noses were almost touching. They honestly look like a cute couple. Before I could blink and look away Seth spoke.
"I'm drunk and so are you so I might as well do this so that I get these feelings out and get over it." Before Wade could question, Seth grabbed Wades face and pulled him into his lips. Wade was shocked but he kissed back after a second. Wade gripped on to Seths shirt as Seth ran his fingers through Wades hair.
I shook my head and left the room so that they could get their privacy. I wish I had the confidence to do that with Dean..

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