Chapter 17

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-Roman POV-
I woke up at 5 and Dean wasn't next to me. Did I scare him off last night? Fuck I knew I shouldn't have kissed his cheek. He probably hates me! I buried my face into a pillow and groaned. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom down the hall. When I opened the bedroom door a blast of bacon and eggs hit me in the face. Holy fuck that smelled good. I changed my direction and went for the kitchen. Dean was making food. Once he saw me a huge smile spread across his face.
"Go wake up the other dorks for me?" Dean asked I nodded and went to the other bedroom and knocked on the door.
"Hey dorks wake up. There's food." Once I finished my sentence I heard a thump. What the fuck?
"DID YOU SAY FOOD?!" Of course it was Seth. I head a pan drop in the kitchen. Ugh he scared Dean. He swung the door open and looked at me with hungry eyes. It actually looks quite scary. I saw Wade still on the bed rolling over and trying to figure out what happened.
"You scared Dean." I whispered so nobody could hear. Seth frowned.
"Sorry." He mouthed.
"Sethie I'm fucking cold!" Wade groaned and threw the blanket over himself.
"I heard food! I'm getting food!" Seth ran into the kitchen. I shrugged.
"Whenever you decide to wake up there's food in the kitchen." I told Wade as I walked back into the kitchen.
"Thank you." Dean walked up to me and kissed my cheek. "Now eat breakfast even though it's like 5pm." Dean and I laughed as Seth buried his face in food. He served me my food as he sat next to me and ate his food. He kissed my cheek... Huh maybe he did like it? Holy fuck he kissed my cheek...again. But I don't count last time, he was drunk. I wonder what is it about him that gets me so...lovestruck. I ate my food disregarding my thoughts.
"Note we have to be at work before 7:30." I said with a mouthful.
"It's only 5:15." Seth muffled, looking at his phone.
"Yea well we got a 30 minute trip so let's see, do the math, we should leave at 6:15, 6:30 the latest. So that means we can fit in two of us to take a shower here, and the other two to take a shower over there in the locker rooms." I said swallowing the last bit of my food.
"Yea well I'm showering here." Wade groaned, rubbing his eye.
"Can I shower here too?" Seth raised his hand. Of course now Seth wants to shower here.
"That's fine." I said, standing up and walking to the bathroom. "Let me piss first."
-Seth POV-
I looked at Dean and I could see that he was gazing at Romand ass. He's so in love with him. It's really cute. And I wish they would become a couple even though they've only known each other for a few days. Once roman got out of the bathroom I went into take my shower when Wade opened the door while I was taking my shirt off.
"Yes sir?" I turned to see Wade taking off his shirt also. WAIT WHAT?
"I'm showering with you." Wade calmly said. HOW CAN HE JUST SAY THAT? Oh my fucking God HIS BODY IS TO DIE FOR. (Proven in the picture😌) his shirt was already off and then he paused. "is that okay with you?" What do I say.... Oh my god I say yes duhhh. Wait... No! How about if I get a boner? Fuck it!
"Yea that's fine, sorry just blanked out for second." I smiled as he nodded and continued to take his clothes off. We've seen each other naked...but it's not like I remember how he looks like...fuck..if I get a boner I'll just turn away. And then I'll get out and crawl in a corner...
"Aren't you gonna take you clothes off?" I looked up to see Wade naked...shit maybe I didn't forget how he looked. DAMN. I felt blood rushing down there already. Good thing my pants are on.
"Yea. Just go inside I'll be there in a second." I slowly took my pants off to waste time while Wade went into the shower. Once I was naked I had a semi boner but it wasn't anything Wade would notice. By the end of this shower I'm gonna be rock hard... Ooh I wanna put music on! I wrapped a towel around my waist and opened the door.
"Wadie I'm gonna get my phone I wanna listen to music!"
"Alright." I ran out to the kitchen to grab my phone off the table. But I saw something that made a smile grow across my face, Dean and Roman almost fucking kissed! ALMOST! But once they saw me they quickly scrambled away from each other. Dean went into the bedroom and roman went to the other. I grabbed my phone and went back into the bathroom.
"WADIE ROMAN AND DEAN ALMOST KISSED!" I went on my phone to turn on some music and then I took off my towel and jumped into the shower. Of course I was chest to chest with Wade. I tried to ignore it and I jumped up and down. "It was so cute!! But they didn't kiss cause they saw me. Bad fucking timing." I stopped jumping a pouted.
"You're so random. And you suck. You just had to get your phone?" Wade sarcastically said.
"Yes I did! I like music!" I laughed and Wade shook his head and grabbed my shoulders, he put me under the water.
"Clean yourself." He said, gabbing the shampoo and putting it in his hair. He gave me it and I put my head under the water and put shampoo in my hair, putting it back. The shampoo was running down wades back I bit my lip to defeat the desire of wanting to grab him and touch him all over. Wade looked at me and smiled.
"Come here." Wade grabbed me by the waist, I kinda sighed in relief knowing he had the same desire to touch me too. Wade kissed me which sent chills down to my toes. I almost automatically kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck. *Our members were touching and I felt him get hard. I was getting hard and I was so happy to have my lips rejoined with wades. He's so fucking hot I don't know how I didn't kiss him these past days.
"We won't do anything here. We don't have a lot of time. Maybe after raw." Wade said. I pouted.
"I know." I gave him a peck on the lips. He put me under the water and washed the shampoo in my hair. He tugged my hair and I let out a small moan. I guess he still remembers what turns me on... Shit. He smiled.
"I thought you would've forgotten."
"No, the hair tugging is the most fun." He kissed me softly. He washed out the shampoo out of his hair and put conditioner in my hair. "You look so much more sexier with conditioner all over you." He rubbed conditioner all over me and started to rub my member. I moaned.
"Wade!" I gasped and put my head on wades chest. "We're going to waste time like this..." I whispered and kissed his neck.
"Yea. But we're showering. Multitasking." Wade rubbed me some more. I thought it was quite weird that he was jacking me off with conditioner. But it's hot so I don't care.
"This isn't a task." I laughed.
"It is for us." Wade smacked my ass making me squeal
"They're going to hear us." I said, putting my hand on his dick. He was hard just like me. I started to rub him slowly making him moan. His moans were so fucking hot. His deep voice makes me want to be fucked by him every second of the day.
"If I cared I wouldn't touch you like this." He rubbed my inner thigh and and kissed me.
"Wadie we should get finished. I don't want to be late for my first day of work. This is really important to me." I kissed him and then his neck. He moaned a little and then he nodded.
"Okay. Wash the conditioner off of you. But I'm getting s piece of you later. And that's a promise." He slid his hands down to my ass and pressed our members together. I sighed in pleasure and pushed him away lightly.
"Your gonna get me distracted." I turned around and washed the conditioner off of my whole body. Hope this boner decides to go away soon. The water was getting cold so I made it hotter. I like boiling hot water but Wade wasn't a big fan of it. He burned himself. Ha. Him and I made out under the water for a little bit before getting out.
"Multitask! You dry me while I brush my hair." I stuck a towel in wades face.
"Fine." He smirked and dried my body. While brushing my hair I felt something amazing. I moaned and my head fell back. Wade was sucking me off.
"Wade! What the hell did I tell you? Lateruuuuh!" He kept sucking me off and making me moan. "Wade!" He finally stopped and kissed me.
"Fine." He wrapped another towel around his waist and wrapped the one he dried me off around mine. he kissed me softly and smacked my ass making me moan and squeal at the same time softly.** He left the bathroom. I grabbed my phone which was still playing music. I followed Wade into the bedroom we slept in last night. I'm so exited for my first day of work! Wrestling on live TV I can't believe it...

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