Chapter 34

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~So Wattpad is being a fucking asshole and won't let me put up a photo for this chapter, sorry guys.~

-Seth POV-

So after breakfast and all that, Punk and I decided to go paddle boating. I told him that included using our feet and I was just too lazy to do it, but he didn't care, he dragged me there anyways. It wasn't as bad as I thought but it was still tiring. When we were done, he wanted to take me to the gift shop, i didn't want him buying me anything.

"You don't have to waste your money on me Punk, I could buy some-"


I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. "Really?"

"Yep. Now look around the store and pick what you want." Punk put his hand on my back and pushed me away lightly towards the front door of the store. I turned around and looked at him. "I'm offering Seth." I sighed and went inside the store, I'll just get a small bracelet and thats it. Nothing much. When I was looking at the bracelets, seeing that they had ones with names on them. They would be cute if me and Wade were still in a relationship. I could wear the one that says his name (his real one) and he could wear the one that says my name. I sighed at the thought. Punk and I could do it, Phillip on my wrist and Colby on his. Its more of a relationship thing, but it seems like punk and I are already going in that direction. I searched for our names, successfully finding them, I'm surprised they had my name, usually I would never be able to find my name with things like this. I went and searched for Punk in the store, he was at the checkout isle, I couldn't see what he bought since he was already being given the bag. Interesting. I walked up to him holding the bracelets behind my back. "Did you choose yet?"

"Yep. Its kind of a thing for both of us." I handed the one that said my name to him, he looked at it. And then smiled.

"This says your name."

"And this one says yours." I showed him the one that said Phillip, in all cursive, just like the one with my name. Punk smiled.

"You sure you want this for us?"

"Positive." I handed him the other as he went to the checkout isle. Once he was finished we put the bracelets on each other.

"I love the idea." Punk pulled me into a hug as I hugged him back.

"So what did you buy?"

"Oh Roman texted me and asked me to get a stuffed animal that said "I love you" on it for Dean. He said he would do it himself but Dean hates secrets and would search for it if he were to hide it. So I got it for him, he said he would pay me back once he sees me again."

"What animal did you get?"

"They only had pandas that said I love you on it, so I grabbed the Panda." Punk let me go. "Lets go back to the cabin, my legs are tired from the paddle boating." 

"Can we go to the pool when the sun starts to set?" I jumped up and down, as Punk held me by my shoulders.

"Of course. Now lets go back to the cabin before I fall over." Punk smiled as I did too.


-Wade POV-

"You fucking me, this was a one time thing." I played with Drews hair, as he stretched and cuddled up closer to me on the couch.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm a top."

"That changed though." 

"For 10-15 minuets, now I'm a top."

"Whatever you say." Drew smiled as I rolled my eyes. I heard someone walking from the guest room, shit I forgot this guy was still here. Drew and I grabbed something to cover ourselves, I grabbed a pillow and Drew threw on my shorts that were on the floor. We looked up to see the guy look at us and then at the door.

"I'll be home later, Dad." He went to the front door, and walked out, naked. Drew and I looked at each other, and started to laugh.

"Who did he call dad?" Drew asked.

"No clue, don't care. He's going to get arrested for walking the streets naked."

"Maybe we should've said something?"

"It would've been the right choice." I shook my head as I got up. "I need to shower. I'll be back."

"Okay, hurry back."

"No promises." I went towards the bathroom, when the thought of Seth popped up in my head. Ugh. This is when I realized I made a gigantic mistake. Sleeping with some random guy? Sleeping with my best friend?! I could've gotten HIV from that guy. Now I'm tempted to get tested. I'll never win Seth back, he saw all those snapchat posts. He probably hates me. He's probably dating fucking Punk. I ran into my room and grabbed my phone before going into the bathroom. I checked all of Seths social media while waiting for the water to get warm in the shower. On snapchat he posted a picture of him and Punk with bracelets, Seth had Punks name and Punk had Seths. Then he posted a picture of him and Punk together, it said: His smile is the cutest <3. I put my phone down and punched the wall. Fuck! I already fucking lost him! I took off my clothes, blasted some music on my iHome speakers and jumped into the shower, if I'm going to cry its going to be in the fucking shower, where nobody will hear or see me.

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