Chatper 5

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-Roman POV
I got out of the shower and I forgot to bring clothes in with me so I turned off the lights and opened the bathroom door slowly so that Seth and Wade didn't hear me. I slowly went down the hall way and I heard the springs on the pull out couch and panting. Oh my fucking God. Both of them are gonna regret that when they wake up tomorrow with massive headaches And get back the memory of both of them fucking. I opened the bedroom door and before I went to close it I heard Seth scream Wades name. I quickly closed the door and turned around at Dean. His eyes were wide.
"I told you they were fucking! The people next door are gonna start complaining." I walked over to my bag and unzipped it to get my brush. I brushed my hair and turned to the mirror to see myself.
"At least you didn't hear Wade like 10 minutes ago, he was moaning and his voice is like super deep so it travels." Dean laughed.
"Your drunk is going away. Your not yelling at me and acting like a little kid." I smiled as I went to go get my blow dryer.
"Yea I know. But I'm still kinda like super drunk, it's just in past the weird faze Ya know?" Dean laughed.
"I wish I had weird fazes like you, their hilarious." I connected my blow dryer and started to blow dry my hair.
"Your like obsessed with your hair jeez. it's 4 in the morning and your blow drying your hair?" Dean stood up and stood behind me. "And you haven't even put on clothes yet, your hair is more important than clothes?"
"Yes yes my hair is way more important than a thin pieces of clothing over my body." I nodded almost finishing with my hair. "why is your hair wet?" I looked at Dean through the mirror, his head was soaked.
"I stuck my head out the window and water was coming from the sky and it hit me in the face but it felt good so I kept my head out the window. The water is still falling too, I may go and do it again." Dean turned to the window but I grabbed his wrist before he could walk away.
"No, your gonna get Sick Dean come here in gonna blow dry your hair." I pulled him closer.
"Oh my gosh no Rommy! I like my hair like this!" Dean tried to jerk his hand away but failed.
"Nope come here." I put the blow dryer towards his head.
"You're no fair." Dean crossed his arms and pouted.
"Oh shut up." I continued to blow dry his hair
When I was finished deans hair was all poofy. But it was super soft.
"Rommy my hair is all poofy this isn't fair, and put clothes on your hair is blow dried, cause I'm scared that towel is just gonna come off.
"Then turn around." I went to my bag as Dean turned towards the window.
I took my towel off and put on my boxers and my shorts, shirts are for the day time, so I didn't put one on. "You can turn around now."
Dean turned around and layed down on the bed.
"Rommy I'm tired" He swung his arms up in the air "Cuddles!!" I smiled at his cuteness knowing that he's probably gonna forget this tomorrow morning. And most likely so am I.
"Sure why not." I went over to go lay down with him.
"Wait! Turn off the lights." Dean put his hand out signaling me to stop.
I rolled my eyes and turned off the lights. The light of the tv kept the room light dim, this is exactly how I like a room. And since I'm with Dean I feel so much more comfortable. I layed down on the bed as Dean cuddled next to me and put his head on my chest. I put the sheets over us and then there was a knock on the door.
"Roman we have an issue." It was Seth. Oh god.
"Oh my god come in." I rolled my eyes as Dean groaned. I guess he felt the same way. Seth opened the door and Wade fell on the floor. Seth had a beer in hand.
"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET BEER?" Dean jumped a little from me yelling out of nowhere.
"We bought more..." Seth looked down at his feet ashamed.
"BABE, WE NEVER FINISHED WHAT WE STARTED." Wade blurted out randomly.
"Yea about that, we he came on the carpet too." Seth slurred.
Seth hesitated and spoke.
"It's pretty much full though. That's a waste."
"GIVE ME IT." I kept my hand out.
"Fine." Seth walked over and gave it me as I put it on the table.
"Now go and take Wade and make sure he goes to bed. Both of you are gonna feel like shit tomorrow." I sighed as Seth took Wade out of the room. "And clean up the cum before it dries up." I rolled my eyes as Seth closed the door. Seth opened the door.
"You and Dean are super cute together" Seth laughed like a little girl and closed the door quickly. I smiled to myself hoping that Dean didn't notice.
"Since you were being good after we came back from the bar you can drink this." I handed the beer to Dean as his eyes lit up. He gasped "Rommy thank you!" He kissed my cheek and started drinking out of the can like he was a baby and the beer was his milk.
I started to smile and blush and I looked away. I can't believe that just happened. Oh my god.

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