Chapter 39{SEXUAL}

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-Dean POV-
I climbed on top of Roman and began to grind on him as he smirked and grabbed me by the back of my neck, and crashed his lips onto mine. I moaned a bit as Roman smiled in between our kisses.
"You moans turn me on so much." Roman slid his hands on to my bare ass, giving it a squeeze.
"The things you say make me want to rip your clothes off, the issue is, we didn't have clothes to start with." I smiled as Roman laughed and I began to kiss on his neck, his chest, basically everywhere. When I reached his waist I kissed around his now half erect member.
"Are you seriously going to put me through this now?" Roman whined as I looked up.
"Well I was just about to get to it but you started complaining, two more minutes of teasing for you." I shrugged as Roman threw his head back and rolled his eyes. "You want me to add another minute?"
After teasing Roman, I began to lick his balls slowly until I went up to his member. I licked up and down and stroked it softly. Roman moaned and pulled his head back. While he wasn't expecting it, I filled my mouth with his fat, whale of a dick.
"Fuck Dean. Warnings are nice you kno-uhhh!" Roman grabbed a fistful of my hair making me suck faster. After a minute or two Roman pulled me off of his dick making me frown.
"You want something different right?"
I nodded.
"Okay well doing the same routine won't help babe." He got off the bed and grabbed me by my hair. He sweeped everything off the dresser table with his forearm and bent me over the dresser. "I'll show you different." He plunged his dick into my rear end making me scream Romans name. He licked my back up and down making my back arch. He then grabbed my hands and held them behind me. He pushed into me one more time before bending over and whispering
"Get ready." Before I could ask what the fuck did he mean he started to pound me real hard and quick. Making me come very close to climax.
"Sh-i-t ba-b-e f-u-u-ck ME!!" I ended up coming to climax before I could finish my sentence. I guess roman didn't get there quite yet cause I was still being pounded making me just close my eyes, moan, and enjoy the waves of pleasure going through my body, not worrying about climaxing any second since I just did. Around 30 seconds after Roman climaxed him self making him fall on top of me, panting.
"You'll be tired for the rest of the night."
"Well, your, ass, is, gonna, hurt like, fucking, hell." Roman panted.
"I'll be okay." I said as Roman pulled out of me.
"Let's just go take a shower, clean ourselves up." Roman helped me up, I put my arm around his shoulder because I could barely walk. "Oh look who can't walk."
"Shut up you just fucked me, I need to get used to standing up straight."

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