Chapter 37

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-Seth POV-
When we finally got home I told Punk that I would call him later after Wade and I talk things out. And I needed to get out of the house cause I think Dean and Roman are about to have sex. I began to call Wade.
"Hey, when do you want to talk?"
"Is now alright?"
"That's fine with me."
"FUCK ME HARDER BABE" my eyes widened. Jeez.
"The fuck was that?"
"Dean and Roman finally had sex for the first time at the Poconos." I chuckled.
"They seem not to care who hears them."
"Apparently not, anyways, you want me to drive to your house?"
"Yea that's fine. Just ring the doorbell once your here."
"Will do." I hung up and sighed. Every time Wade popped into my mind my stomach dropped.
When I reached Wades house I put my forehead on my steering wheel and began to cry. Why am I crying? He's just a guy. Who hurt me. But he's willing to explain for what he did. And we weren't actually together. But I still loved him. But apparently he still loves me too. Why would he hurt me then? No clue. I wiped my eyes and got out of my car. When I reached his doorstep I choked on air before I could knock on his door. I had a coughing fit before trying to knock on the door again. When I did Wade opened the door. When he set his eyes on me he exhaled slightly, his eyes looked sadder. I looked him up and down. He was wearing a t shirt with jeans. No shoes just socks.
"You were crying." Wade broke the silence. Hearing his voice made tears come from my eyes once again. I looked down, ashamed I didn't want him to see me like this. Okay. Breathe Seth. Inhale, exhale. I looked up at him. "I'm sorry." Wade said said softly. I sighed.
"Why did you do that? And why did post it everywhere?!" I finally yelled.
"Let's go inside." Wade grabbed my forearm gently and pulled me in as he closed the door. Once we were inside I pulled my arm away.
"Answer me."
"I saw all these snapchats with you and punk. Like you moved on from me. So I thought that getting back at you would show you what you missed. But things got way to far."
"Punk and I are just friends. Well. I don't know. He seems to like me a lot."
"So your gonna go out with him?"
"I don't know Wade. Let's not get into it, it gets me all scared. Like if he does ask, and I say yes, would I mean I'll loose you? Let's just not even talk about punk and I. Okay?"
"I don't want you out of my life. I want to be with you. But it seems all we do is fuck. I want mor-"
"What do you think I want Seth?! I want the same exact thing."
"Well then fucking try!" I yelled making Wade stare at me.
"We said we needed separation. We've had that time. Now it's time for the final question."
"Do you still love me?" I looked at Wade as he looked at me and then down. Why is he hesitating?! "I'm just gonna go there was no point of even seeing you." I turned the other direction.
"Don't leave... I love you." Wade said as he grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.
"I love you too." I grabbed the back of Wades neck and pulled him down face to face with me as I kissed him. Tears falling down my cheeks as Wade grabbed the sides of my face.
After we kissed and cried into each other's arms, mostly just me, we decided that now is the time for us to try again. We agreed to no sex until we were both were ready to have emotional passionate sex. I hope we work out because I don't want to loose him. My only problem is how is Punk going to react to this?

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