Chapter 4 (Part 2)

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-Wade POV
Holy shit Seths kissing me... I'm drunk but I don't care. Seth separated from the kiss and we stared at each other.
"I'm not finished." Seth stood up and pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of me, he kissed me and I kissed back and untied his hair from the small bun he had it in. I ran my fingers through his hair and Seth smiled in between kisses.
"Somebody likes my hair" He said as he started kissing me again.
"Sure as hell I do." I gripped his hair lightly and pulled it slightly. Seth smiled again which made me smile. I head the door open, augh Romans back. I separated from Seth as Seth turned back to see who it was.
"Can you turn off the light? Please?" Seth arched his back and pulled his head back.
"Fine." Roman turned off the lights as I heard his suitcase wheels rolling on the floor. He opened a door and closed it.
"Now it's dark." Seth whispered in my ear. Ugh I have a boner.. This isn't fair you know? I took off his shirt and he started to kiss my neck. Okay no no no that's like my weakness. I moaned giving away that I liked that.. Damn it why can't I just hold it in now he knows ugh!
"Found your sweet spot." Seth started to suck on my neck.
"God fucking damn it Seth." I managed to get out.
-Dean POV
I really wanna kiss roman but I can't ugh this isn't fair!!
"Hey im back, im gonna take a shower now, okay?" Roman opened the door and closed it behind him. He put his suitcase down.
"Hurry up Rommy." I pouted
"I will, by the way I suggest you stay in here, Wade and Seth are like literally about to fuck, I didn't think they would hit it off that quick." Roman shrugged.
"We're all drunk, we're all gonna do something stupid tonight right?" I laughed.
"True, anyways let me go take this shower." Roman left the room as I was left to sit in this stupid room alone.
"God damnit Roman.." I whispered to myself and turned on the TV.

~Hello my beauties!! How r u guys liking this story?? I feel like nobody is reading this but oh well I still like writing it it's fun ^-^ there's gonna be a lot of things that are gonna happen in this story I have so many ideas but if you have any requests feel free to message me them! <3 I'll leave you alone now xD bye!

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