Chapter 12 (Part2)

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-Wade POV- (still in his memory)
* "Somebody has a boner!" Seth got close to my face and rubbed my member over my pants. I moaned quietly before smacking Seths hand.
"Can't you wait until we're drunk??" I laughed.
"We are drunk." Seth put my beer down along with his and slowly climbed on top of me and kissing my neck.
"Sethie!" I grabbed Seth by his hips and I moaned as he slowly pushed me back. He kissed me and I took off the blanket off of Seths shoulders. Seeing him completely naked on top of me while I still had my pants on turned me on extremely. The thing piece of clothing was really bothering me. I could see Seth was rock hard just like me. He stood up and literally ripped my shorts off of my legs. I looked at him in shock as he climbed on top of my and put my dick in his entrance. Well this fuckers horny damn.
"Wade, fuck me. Fuck me with your big hard thick British cock." Seth whispered in my ear. He gave me chills but he turned me on even more as I almost immediately started fucking him like there was no tomorrow. Seth groaned in pleasure making me moan. Almost right after I filled his ass with my fluids as he fell on top of me panting for air. He got off of me and stood up.
"Come here." He pointed in front of him.
"NOW WADE." Seth demanded
"The hell? Fine." I stood in front of him as he bent down grabbing my member and sucking on it. "Seth!" I groaned as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. Shit, he's amazing at blowjobs. Grabbing Seths hair I moaned his name loudly and once again came. In Seths mouth too. If I was him I'd be grossed out.
He gasped for air as my fluids dripped out of his mouth and on to the carpet.** We both looked at each other in shock. Shit!! Roman told us not to get shit on the carpet. And I don't know how to clean it up. FUCK!
"Your telling Roman." Seth looked up at me and stood up wiping cum off of the corners of his lips.
"No you are." I laughed.
"You!" Seth whined
"I'll fuck you twice as harder if you tell him." I crossed my arms.
"Fine! But your coming in with me!" Seth slipped his jeans on as I grabbed my shorts that were ripped on the side thanks to Seth.
I didn't notice how drunk I was until I fell in the floor in Romans bedroom. I'm not really sure what happened after. All I know is I woke up with Seth next to me multiple times since I woke up multiple times in the middle of the night with a headache increasing every time.
-End of Wades memory.-
Holy fuck what we did should never be spoken of. I hope Seth remeberd the whole night cause I'm not planning on telling him what happened. It makes me feel weird just thinking about it. I just met this guy and a few hours later I fucked him... Like WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL WAS I THINKING?! HE JUST GOT OUT OF A RELATIONSHIP AND I FUCKED HIM. Ugh. I held Drew close and rested my head on his. I should really go to bed. A few minuets later I finally went to bed. It was like, 4 in the morning.

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