Chapter 42

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-Dean POV-

"You think he's okay? He hasn't answered his phone." I said pacing back and forth.
"I don't know, he probably doesn't want to answer his phone, I wouldn't if you were in the hospital." Roman shrugged as I sighed loudly.
"Baby I just don't want him to get hurt."
"He's a grown man, not our son."
"I don't care he's still a brother to us." I say on the bed and later my head on my Samoans chest.
"Everything will be fine baby." He wrapped his arms around me.
-Seth POV-
I woke up to wade holding me by my waist and his head on top of mine. I kissed his chest and neck and rubbed his chest. He woke up slowly and kissed my head.
"Baby? I want to ask you something. It's about Drew." I sat up as he looked at me weird.
"What about him?"
"I'm kind of unsure about you two, I know you're best friends with him and I don't want you to break off your friendship with him but I know you guys slept with each other, it was obvious. So I'm kind of scared." I looked down at wades hands and started playing with his fingers.
"Don't worry about it, him and I talked it over. He agreed that it was just two nights. He knew I still loved you and I already felt horrible as it was." Wade lightly rubbed the thin skin on my hips.
"Two nights?"
"Yea the morning after we just kinda did it."
"Yea well that's what I'm afraid of that you're going to have sex with him while dating me and just going to say that it just happened." I looked at wade as he looked at me upset.
"No no baby don't think that way. I'm a loyal person you know this. If we were dating before I wouldn't have done all that."
"Sorry I doubt. But you know I have trust issues." I pecked his lips
"It's okay baby. Can you please ask the doctor if we can go now?"
"Yea yea sure." I kissed his cheek and went to go get a nurse.
Once we left the hospital I dropped Wade off at his house and promised him I would come back and sleep over. But I had to get to Roman and Dean so they know I'm alright.
"Oh my god Seth why didn't you answer your god damn phone?!" Dean shot up from the couch and walked up to me. Roman followed behind him.
"I fell asleep once he woke up." I shrugged. "I'm sleeping over his house tonight, just to make sure he's okay. But I wanted to make sure I checked in with you guys so you wouldn't freak but it seems like I was too late for that."
"As long as you and Wade are fine I guess." Dean sighed as Roman patted my back.
"When are you gonna head off to his place?"
"Maybe in an hour or two."

-Roman POV-

"Well I was thinking of getting Wade a get better gift or something at the mall. Maybe we could all get something for him?" Dean popped his head from the kitchen and he gave me a "NO" stare. I stuck my tongue out knowing he just doesn't want to leave home right now.

"That sounds fantastic. I should have thought of that." Seth said looking down at his feet. "Lets do it!" Dean rolled his eyes and mouthed: "He's so lucky I love him!"

"Get ready Dean." I said as he dragged himself to his room.

"Let me guess hes too lazy to leave home?" Seth asked.

"Bingo." I said as I went into the kitchen and got a cookie from the hidden cookie jar I hid from Dean. "You get a cookie." I handed him a sugar cookie as he smiled widely and took it. He's so adorable, he kind of feels like a little brother to me. Unlike Dean, he acts like he's his offspring. Which is great and all but Seth isnt Deans responsibility. I rubbed Seth's head as Dean came out of his room, looking sexy as usual.

"Lets go." Dean said as I stopped him.

"Your jacket baby."

"UGH WHY." Dean groaned as he went and got his jacket and handed me mine. We then all left to go get something for Wade.

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