Chapter 40

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-Roman POV-
After Dean and I took our shower Seth was home.
"Guys you won't believe what happened after I hung up on you." Seth was panting and crying.
"What happened? Something go wrong?" Dean asked pulling Seth towards the couch next to me.
"Yes. Leighla fucking tracked me down and tried to attack Wade. I could tell he didn't want to hit her so I called the police. When the got there she pulled out a gun and shot Wade on his side." Seth began crying more as Dean pulled him into his chest.
"Relax Sethie." Dean petted his head.
"He's in the hospital and they said they don't know if he will make it. I need to grab some extra clothes, and I gotta drive over there." Seth tried to get up but Dean pulled him down.
"Roman and I will come with you. I'll get your clothes, I want you to try to relax okay?" Seth nodded. As Dean went into Seths room.
"Hey bud everything's going to be okay." I rubbed his back having him wrap his arms around my body tightly and cry into my chest.
"How do you know?"
"I don't, but one of my friends got shot on his side too, he survived. And all he did was BOLIEVE!" I threw my hands up as Seth broke into laughter.
"I'm gonna kill you." Seth sniffled as he wiped his tears away.
"At least I made you laugh, by the way it's a true story." I gave him a tight hug before Dean walked into the room.
"Ro cheered ya up?"
"Yea he basically told me to bolieve." Seth chuckled again.
"Oh my god babe really?" Dean laughed a bit and gave Seth his clothes and grabbed the car keys. "Let's go guys."
The doctor told us that they had to do surgery in order to get the bullet out, which made Seth freak in the hospital lobby so we had to take him outside. If I was in his shoes I would probably freak out too if it was Dean getting surgery.
"I need to stay here over night, you guys can go, it's okay." Seth sniffled.
"You sure kid? We can stay if you need us" Dean questioned rubbing Seths back.
"I'm fine, it's okay, if anything happens I'll make sure to call you guys, alright?"
"Sure" We both said at the same time. We hugged Seth goodbye and took off. I hope he'll be okay.

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