Chapter 24

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-Nobody's POV-

Seth and Wade have been taking it slow and have been very successful at it. But for a while the two have drifted away as friends. Wade has been hanging out with Drew often and their feelings towards each other has grown. Seth is beginning to get jealous and upset. During the three months the boys have been in WWE Seth found a new friend, CM Punk.

As for Roman and Dean, they've been the same since the start. The shield is now on a 1 month break and the two have been enjoying their break. They've been watching movies and going everywhere together. They haven't been so happy in their lives. Tomorrow their celebrating their three month anniversary in a apartment that the dean roman and seth have rented for a while in Florida.

-Roman POV-

"Sethie, I need you." I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the kitchen.

"What?" Seth groaned.

"I'm gonna take Dean to the Poconos tomorrow. I got a cabin for us. And you can even invite Wade." I smiled.

"Wades gonna be spending time with Drew." Seth snorted.

"Oh his best friend?"

"Seems more than a best friend." Seth sighed. "I'll just hang out with Punk (as in Cm Punk of course), go have fun with Dean. I'll be fine." Seth crossed his arms.

"No, invite Punk. We're gonna have fun." I patted his back.

"You sure?"

"Positive. I'm gonna go get packed and stuff, go and ask Punk if he's able to go." Seth nodded and went into his room. I went into Dean and I's room and started to pack my things. I already packed Deans things since hes out at getting food for the apartment. I cant wait to surprise him tomorrow morning. Hes wanted to go to the Poconos since he was a kid but never did since his family could never afford it.

-Seth POV-

I called Punk on my phone and waited for him to answer.

"Yes my Sethie Bear?" Punk always likes to call me his Sethie Bear for some reason. I kind of liked it.

"Punkie Boo? Are you busy tomorrow?" I had a cheesy nickname for him also.

"Nope. why?"

"Roman and Deans 3 month anniversary is tmorrow and Romans taking Dean to the Poconos, he said that I could come and bring Wade, but you already know I dont really want to talk to him. So he said that I could invite you instead. You wanna?"

"Sure. How long we gonna stay there?"


"3 DAYS." he yelled back.

"3 days."

"That sounds good. You want me to get my shit packed up and come over?"

"Sure, call me when your here."

"Okay, bye Sethie Bear."

"By Punkie Poo." I hung up and started to pack. Maybe this trip will be super fun. Who knows?

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