Chapter 13

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-Roman POV-
I woke up with Dean curled up in a ball under my arm. Our hands were still intertwined though. I feel like he's going to be a big part of my life. And my heart. I looked to my right and I saw Seth wasn't there. I heard the shower turning on. I guess when he got off the pull out couch it woke me up. His spot is still warm. I dug out my phone from under the sheets and it was 11 in the morning. Maybe Wades up. I texted him and put my phone down. Dean started to move and he stretched out and put his leg over mine he was on his stomach and he made a groaning sound before dropping his head on my chest.
"Are you okay?" I laughed.
"Yes I'm fine. That's how I wake up dufus" Dean laughed and tightened his grip on my hand.
"Okay well it isn't normal."
"Do I seem normal to you?" Dean looked up at me. Since it was dark thanks to the curtains I couldn't really see his face.
"No not really." My phone went off and Dean jumped a little.
"Relax, Wade just texted me back." I rubbed his back as he sighed. He let go of my hand and grabbed my phone. He turned on his back and put his head on my chest. "And you took my phone why?"
"I wanna see if you've been talking abou-.... YOU TOLD HIM I THREW UP?"
"I said I had to go clean your throw up." I laughed.
"Your such a jerk Rommy! Nobody needs to know that." He gave me back my phone and hit me playfully. I texted Wade back.
Roman: You coming over today?
Wade: Yea. My friend is leaving in like an hour. So I'll be there around one. But I'm kinda scared to see Seth.
Roman: Seth is probably scared too. Dean and I will be with you guys so you guys don't have to be all alone and awkward.
Wade: Thanks. I think we're gonna need it. After all that what do you plan to do?
Roman: We could all go to the mall because I need some new clothes. And wrestling gear. My old stuff is starting to get worn out.
Wade: Sounds great. I need some new stuff anyways. Let me get ready. I'll text you when I'm on my way?
Roman: Thats fine. I need to get ready too. That's if Dean gets off of me after Seth takes his shower.
"Hey!" Dean growled. I laughed and I pushed his face away from my screen.
"Why are you reading my texts huh?" I laughed.
"Because you talk about me!!"
"Be quiet it's not like I'm saying deans a jerk face or something." I laughed
"I don't know that I didn't read all the texts."
"Oh my god Dean."
Seth got out of the shower wearing jeans but no shirt. He had a Towel wrapped around his neck.
"How did you get clothes?" I turned around and so did Dean.
"I went to my car. Durr." Seth dried his hair. You could clearly see his abs. I don't blame Wade for fucking him I mean, he's hot. I shook the thought out of my head.
"Wait how the hell did you get clothes?" I pointed at Dean. As he gave me a mischievous smile.
"I sorta maybe stole your clothes." Dean laughed.
"The bad thing is I didn't even notice until now." I rolled my eyes. "Well guess what? Your going to get your stupid ass keys and go to your car a get your suitcase." I pushed Dean off the pull out couch and got off. Dean groaned.
"I don't wanna go to the mall!!" Dean rolled around on the ground.
"Well too bad. Go get your stuff and then go shower." I chuckled.
"We're going to the mall?" Seth asked pulling out a shirt from his suitcase.
"Yup." I smiled
"With Wade." Dean added as he walked to the bedroom. I saw Seths eyes widen a little before he looked at me.
"That's after him and I talk right?" Seth looked at me kinda nervous.
"Of course." I smiled
"Are you guys going to leave us alone with each other..?"
"If you want us to be there. Wade wants Dean and I to stay."
"Oh. Okay good because it would be awkward." Seth said as he sprayed cologne on himself. Dean walked out the door. As I stared at him. He's so cute ugh.
-Time skip to when Dean and Roman are done getting ready-
-Seth POV-
Wade just texted Roman that he's here. And Deans fixing up the bed and making it into a couch. I'm so scared but a little exited. I just want to get this over with and be friends with Wade and restart this friendship. I heard a knock on the door and that's when my heart dropped to my stomach. I sat on the couch as quick as possible and and put my knees up and wrapped my arms around my legs. I am nervous but I usually like to sit like this. Dean looked at me and gave me a funny look while Roman opened the door.
"Dude are you okay?" Dean sat next to me.
"Yea I just feel comfortable sitting like this. I am scared though."
"Don't worry. I'm going to be sitting right next to you while you guys talk. Sounds good?" Dean smiled.
"Yea." I smiled back as I took my focus off of Dean and looked over to Wade who was talking to Roman. I sighed as they started to walk towards Dean and I. Wade sat next to me as I shut my eyes for a second and felt roman sitting next to Wade. Dean rubbed my back which made me feel a little better. I opened my eyes. Everything began to be silent.
"Okay. I want to restart our friendship. Let's forget about the other night. How does that sound?" Wades accent was so fucking perfect.
"It sounds great. My names Colby. But just call me Seth cause I hate my real name." I laughed and so did Wade. I put out my hand as Wade grabbed it and shook it.
"Names Stuart. But call me Wade because I hate my name also." Wade smiled and so did I.
"Okay let's go shopping!!" Roman jumped off the couch as Dean stood up. Roman opened the door for Dean.
"Ladies first." Roman smirked as Dean pushed him."
"Rommy! Your a fucking dick!" Dean crossed his arms.
"Be quiet you know I'm joking." Roman. Grabbed Dean by his waist and hugged him. I stood up and Wade stood up with me.
"Tell me they don't look like a cute fucking couple!" I whispered to Wade.
"They really do. Wade laughed. We followed Dean and Roman.
"Who's car are we taking?" I yelled at the two who were ahead of us in the parking lot.
"Who has their keys?" Roman turned at us as all of us raised our hands including Dean.
"I say Roman." I laughed.
"I say Wade" Roman crossed his arms.
"Rock Paper Scissors!!" Dean flung his arms in the air and pulled roman in front of Wade and I. They played Rock Paper Scissors and Wade lost.
"I CALL SHOTGUN." I raised my hand.
"Fuck!" Dean laughed.
We all went into Wades car and we started our journey to the mall.

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