Chapter 29

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-Wade POV-

I walked out of my house towards Drews car, I opened the car door and sat inside. Drew had a smile on his face. 

"Well just to let you know, this bar is kinda of different. Its called Babylon. And I'll just let you see the rest." Drew said as I closed the door.

"Is it a gay bar?" I questioned. I would't mind that.

"Kind of. Trust me, you'll like it, I hope." Drew began to drive as I smiled to myself. Nobody can't hate Drew.


Once we entered the place I was dazed. There were guys on stands, stripping and dancing some were even in costumes. Confetti was falling from the ceiling and lazer-like lights were shooting every where. there were even strobe lights. Filled men with all sorts of styles. Some techno music was blasting. Drew turned to me with a smile.

"Do you like it?" He yelled, his voice failing to beat the musics volume.

"Yea!" I yelled back. I can't wait for this night to begin, I gotta be active on snapchat so Seth could see how much fun I'm having.

"Lets dance!" Drew grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor. He began to dance as did I. I took a picture of me and Drew on the dance floor with one of the dancers, who was the definition of hot. I posted it on snapchat and put the caption as: "Hotties" with a heart eyed emoji. I already loved this night.

-Seth POV-

I looked over and Punk, who was swimming in the pool, it was beginning to get dark.

"What?" Punk popped his head to the surface.

I chuckled. "Nothing Punkie Boo." Punk shrugged as he went under water again. I kicked my feet in the water. I want to go into the pool again but I don't want to freeze when I get out. I looked up at the sunset. I felt something touch my ankle. "Punk no!" I screeched as Punk pulled me into the water. I popped my head back up to the surface as did Punk.

"Hey, how'd you get in here?" Punk played off.

"Shut up, you dork." I splashed water in his direction as he shut his eyes and stood still.

"Thanks, I needed that." Punk said sarcastically. 

"You totally did." I splashed him again.

"Thats it! Your gonna get it!" Punk came towards me as I smiled and swam towards the deep end.

"No!" I swam in circles until I went to the shallow end and Punk grabbed me by my waist and tickled me. "Punkie Boo! Stop!" I laughed and tired to pull Punks hands off of me, which failed. After a second Punk stopped and hugged me by my shoulders from behind.

"I'm sorry Sethie." Punk chuckled

"Yea yea whatever you say." I smiled and wrapped my arms around my shoulders so that he could see that I liked this. I rubbed his arm with my hand. "Today was fun." I sighed. Pulling away from Punk and turning towards him. I wrapped my arms around Punks neck and hugged him tight. "I'm so happy that you came with me."

"So am I." Punk wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me around in the pool before putting me down and looking at me. "Lets get out of here, get changed and sit around the campfire with Dean and Roman." I nodded and got out of the pool with Punk.

"Where are they anyways?" I looked around as I grabbed my towel.

"Over there." Punk pointed at the two men making out on the beach chair. Dean was on top of Roman and they were still in their bathing suits.

"Hey lovebirds! Get changed were going to be at the campfire!" I yelled as Dean turned back at us and gave us a thumbs up. He returned to kissing Roman. "I guess I'll take that as a: I'll be there, just let me finish making out with my boyfriend first." I giggled as Punk smiled. We walked back towards our cabin to go get changed.


-Nobodys POV-

The four boys were sitting around the campfire, Punk had his shirt off, as did Dean. Seth had his head on Punks lap.

"Hey, I bet you already forgot about Wade." Roman said as Seth let out a small smile. He actually did forget about Wade.

"Oh shit, I did. I wonder what he's doing..?" Seth pulled up his phone up and looked at all his social media, Wade hasn't had any activity on his social media, besides snapchat. When Seth opened Wades story and he was speechless.

Snapchat #1

A picture of Wade, Drew and this smoking hot guy in a sailors outfit, or at least, a sailors hat and some white trunks.

Snapchat #2

A video of Wade and Drew dancing together.

Snapchat #3

A video of Drew and Wade grinding on each other on the dance floor. Wade had a drink in his hand and so did Drew.

"Wades gonna do something he may regret tonight." Seth sighed.

"Why do you say that?" Roman questioned.

"Hes drunk with Drew. At some strip dance club bar." Seths mood got killed thanks to Wade. Seth sat up and plopped his head on Punks shoulder.

"Aw, fuck." Roman sighed and pulled up his phone.

Tears started to fall down Seths cheeks. Seth didn't know what to do. Punk hugged Seth tightly and rubbed his back up and down.

"Don't cry, I hate seeing you cry." Punk layed his head over Seths shoulder as Seth cried into Punks chest. Punk sighed and kept hugging Seth.

"Aww Seth, don't think about him!" Dean finally spoke and walked over to Seth. "he's not worth your time, you know who is? Punk." Once Dean said that Punk blushed. Dean hugged Seth as Roman joined.

"Group hug!" Roman said as the three men hugged Seth tighter.

"Guys your squishing me!" Seth sniffled as the three men let Seth go.

"Come on guys, lets get back to our cabins." Punk spoke. As everyone began to grab their things. Punk looked at Seth and wiped his tears away with his thumb. "Don't let him make you cry. Your so much better than him." Punk ran his fingers through Seths hair. He finally had the guts to do something. It wasn't much but it was a start. He kissed Seths forehead and gave him a reassuring smile before helping him up and grabbing their things.

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