15.Caring Husband

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(Avu took the pot from him and cleaned it with water and put it on fire. She first heat the water and put the prasaad into it. She then crushed the fruits and put it in the pot. Sid was just looking at her with amusement. Then she was trying to stir it with the small spoon they have but she was unable to do it because spoon is very small and she ended up burning her hand. She wi ced in pain)

Avu : aaaah..

Sid : Avu..

(He rushed towards her, held her hand. He started blowing her hand)

Sid (worried) : Just wait here. I will be back.

(He rushed towards the car and bought first aid box. He took out some ointment and started putting it on her wound and keep blowing it gently. Avu was just looking at him. He completed it)

Sid : It's done. Is it burning so much?

Avu : No.

Sid : I am really sorry. Because of me..

Avu : No no. It's ok. This is not a big injury.

Sid : But still.

Avu : It's ok. Let it be. See our dinner is ready. Let's eat it.

Sid : yeah. But you are not gonna do anything. Just sit here. I will just get something to put it in.

(He went outside and came back with a large leaf)

Sid : We can eat this in this na. Sorry I got only one.

Avu : It's ok. Let's eat now.

Sid : yeah.

(Sid took all the fruit shake in that leaf after cleaning it. They were about to start eating but Sid spoke)

Sid : Umm woh you got hurt on your hand na. So I think I should feed you. Of course if you are comfortable then only. But I think you should not eat it with that hand it will hurt more.

(Avu smiled at him and nodded. Sid also smiled and started feeding her. He was just feeding her. Avu noticed this. Sid made a bite again but Avu took his hand towards his mouth. Avu just gestured him to eat and he ate it)

Sid : OMG. It's amazing. It's really tasty.

Avu : Thank you.

(They ate it and clean the stuff. They again sat there. But this time they sat beside each other. They were not talking just sitting there.

After some time it was getting cold. Avu started shivering. She was rubbing her hand. She sat little near the fire. But because of rain the woods were getting cold. Ultimately the fire got over.

Avu got scared and went towards Sid and held his arm. Sid saw that she was scared and was shivering. He quickly hugged her. This time without even thinking. She quickly snuggled into him. He switched on his torch light. He saw her. She was still shivering. He pulled himself away from her)

Sid : Avu what happened? Are you scared now also?

Avu : It's.. g... getting.. c.. cold

Sid : Oh

(He quickly hugged her again and rubbed her back. She was feeling better. Sid pulled her on his lap. She looked at him. He just smiled. She also smiled and hugged him. He engulfed her into his embrace. She is feeling good. After some time she slept there only. He looked at her smiled. He also put his head on the wall behind and slept)

Abiding Love - A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now