71.The accident

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(Days passed like this. They were doing their daily works. Kids were enjoying here in India. They all were happy. But their fate has some other plans)

(Sid was so much engrossed in the work. He was living a hell life. He always drinks too much.)

One day....

In Sid's office...

(Sid was yelling at some staff members)

Sid : What do you think ha? I am here na. Then ask me. Don't take the decision on your own. Understand?

Staff : Yes sir.

(He went from their to his cabin. He took a bottle of bear and drink it. Then he went somewhere in car)
Meanwhile with Avu...

(As usual she went to pick the kids up from their playschool. All were happy because they all three got one star for their number project. Avu was happy seeing them)

Avu : Chlo as you got one star so let's buy something for you.

Kids : yeeeehhh

Avu (chuckled) : Now say what do you want?

(They all kept their finger on chin thinking deeply. Avu chuckled and quickly took their pic and sent it to Anna.)

Kids : we want three balloons.

Avu : Okay. Then we will buy them now. Okay. Let's go.

Kids : yessss.

(Avu took three of them at inner side of the road and she was walking from outside covering all her kids protectively with her both hands. They all were walking slowly slowly finding the balloons to buy.

Suddenly kids saw balloons at other side of the road. They got excited and ran towards the balloons. They were running when suddenly a car came with too much speed and...........

Abiding Love - A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now