64.Her time came

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After few months....
(Sid took care of her like anything in these days. He was with her everytime.

They told everything to VA and Fainat. They were angry on Sid but later their anger vanished.

Fainat were blessed with a girl. They were living at abroad only with VA. Faisu was setting their company there. Faisu and Sid were too much successful with their business.)

(Avu was sitting on bed with grumpy face. She wanted an ice cream but Sid denied her.
She was getting bored. Sid was attending a call on phone in the room itself.

He was talking when he saw her face. He chuckled. He kept the phone aside and went towards her.

He sat beside her and cupped her face. She looked at him with puppy eyes.)

Sid : These tricks won't work on me. You are not getting ice cream and that's final.

Avu : But Sid...

Sid : I said no

Avu : Fine. I wanna go down. I am feeling bored yaar.

(He agreed. While going Avu felt something in her stomach. She felt pain. She screamed on top of lungs)

Sid : Avu... What happened? Are you ok?

Avu (crying) : Sid it's paining.

(Sid took her and went in hospital. Doctor took hed inside the room)

(Sid was getting too much tension now. Suddenly...

Abiding Love - A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now