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Next morning...
(As usual Avu woke up first. She was feeling little bit Nausiatigue and dizzy. She chuck it off and got fresh. She then made breakfast for Sid. She then arranged the plates and put his lunch box on the dining table. She then went to the room.

Sid came down and started eating the breakfast. She saw this and smiled.
She was not feeling well. She clutched her bedsheet tightly. She gathered some courage and went to kitchen.

She made a juice and started drinking it.
Sid was watching all this but was pretending that he is not. She was drinking the juice.

Suddenly she left the glass on kitchen counter and ran in the washroom. She threw up in sink and was crying. Sid got tensed. But he still continued eating.

She gathered some courage. She wiped her tears and washed her face and straight went to kitchen. She then prepared lemonade and drank it. She then again went to room.

Sid saw this and sighed. He went to office after taking the lunchbox with him.
All day passed like this.

At night Avu and Sid were doing the work.
Suddenly doorbell rang. Avu went and opened the door.)

Avu : yes. How can I help you?
Sm1 : I want to meet Siddharth Nigam
Avu : Oh okay

(She went towards Sid)

Avu : Someone wants to meet you.

(Sid came out to see who it is and he got shocked to see the person)

Abiding Love - A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now