54.Baby and Mumma

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Let's begin...

(Avu was reading the pregnancy books. Suddenly she felt something in her stomach. She went and threw up in washroom. She came and drank the lemonade.

She then just layed on the bed of her room. After some time she was feeling nice.

She looked at the time. It was 2 pm. She ate the lunch and did some housework. Then again she took some rest. She then prepared the dinner.

At night..

Sid and Anna came home. Anna was clinging on Sid. Sid is feeling uncomfortable so he was freeing himself from her.

He then straight went to his room and got fresh and came down. He saw that all the plates are ready for him and Anna. He looked here and there to find Avu. But she was not there.

He looked upstairs. Anna was nowhere to be seen. So he went in Avu's room. But he couldn't find her. He was about to go when he heard some noices coming from washroom.

He went there and opened the door slightly to see Avu throwing up and was crying. Sid got tensed. He was about to go inside but just then Avu finished vomiting and was coming out. He quickly made his way towards door. He went out. But he was looking at her.

She was crying continuously. After some minutes she composed herself and went near bed. She drank the water and sat on the bed.
She was massaging her forehead with her right hand. After some time she felt dizzy and slept there.

Sid saw this and went in. He layed her down properly and started massaging her forehead. She smiled in her sleep. Sid also smiled.
After some time he kissed her forehead and went out.

He saw that Anna was there having food like there is no tomorrow. He rolled his eyes and had his dinner.

Anna was blabbering but he was ignoring her completely. He then straight went to his room after dinner. Anna also went to sleep.)

At midnight....

(Avu woke up. She was having cravings for pani puri. She sat on bed. She couldn't do anything. She again lay on the bed and was trying to sleep but couldn't. She sat on bed.

Avu (to baby) : Baby I am sorry. I can't give you pani puri now. See if your Dad was here he could have given you pani puri. But Dad is upset with Mamma na so he is not with us. But don't worry when you will become 3 or 4 Mamma will fulfil your all wishes. Right now please sleep baby and let Mamma also sleep.

(As if the baby was listening her, she felt better. She chuckled and layed on bed and slept)

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