83.The mission starts

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(He went there)

Jack (to the receptionist) : Excuse me. Call your owner and say him that Mr. Siddharth Nigam wants a favor from him. So come out side from five minutes.

(Receptionist did the same. Owner came there. Jack told him to give Anna a half day and send her to xyz coffee shop now. He gave some money to the owner. Owner did same.
Jack went in coffee shop.

Here Anna got confused but went in coffee shop as her boss told her. Avu was already at home as she went to pick up the kids)

(Anna reached the cafe. Jack came forward and said her to sit there. She recognize Jack)

Jack : Hello ma'am. Do you remember me? I am Jack. Siddh..

Anna : Siddharth Nigam's assistant. I know you. How can I forget you. You were the only one to whom I used to call when I wanted to talk to Sid when they were busy and not wanted to attend the call.

(They both chuckled at this)

Anna : And from when you started to call me Ma'am. How many times I have to tell you that call me Anna.

(Jack smiled)

Jack : How are you?

Anna : I am nice. You say. What work do you have with me?

Jack : woh...

Anna : what happened? Say na.

Jack : woh I wanted to know what happened on that day...

Anna (realizing what he wants to say) : oh. But why?

Jack : Woh... Sir...

Anna : Hmm now he wants to know? Great.
Let it be. I will tell you the whole thing. But do you believe me?

Jack : Of course after all I lo..

(He realized what he was going to say)

Jack : Woh. Yeah I believe you.

(Anna smiled.)

Anna : So what happened was....
Be ready for the secrets. From next chapter the story will be in flashback.

Abiding Love - A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now