57.Anna' good news

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(Anna was just trying to torture Avu. But Avu always try to happy for her baby. Her only husband is not trusting her. Then also she is trying to be happy)

One day...

(Sid went to the office. Anna was at home only as she was getting bored because of office and all. She was smirking looking at Avu who was silently following her orders. She was cleaning the dining table. Suddenly Anna started feeling dizzy. Avu saw her and went towards her and held her)

Avu (tapping her chicks) : Anna.. Anna... What happened?

(She made her lay on sofa. She sprinkled some water on her face. Anna woke up)

Avu : Umm.. Don't do anything. Just lay down here. I will call doctor.

Anna : No need to call doctor.

Avu : Umm.. I guess I should call the doctor because I know last two three days you were not feeling well.

Anna (shocked) : How do you know?

Avu : I saw you throwing up.

Anna : Oh.

(Avu called the doctor. She came and checked Anna)

Avu : What happened doctor?

Doctor : No nothing. It's common. She is pregnant.

(Anna and Avu got shocked)

Anna : Really?

Doctor : Congratulations

Anna : Thanks.

(Doctor left. Avu made Anna sit on sofa. She made lemonade for her and give her)

Avu : Congratulations to you.

Anna : Thanks.

Avu : I think you should not go to office. It will be difficult for you

(Anna nodded)

Avu : You sit here. I will make some light lunch for you.

(She made lunch for her. Anna was totally shocked by Avu's behavior.)

Anna (in mind) : I hurted her too much. Then also she is behaving this much nicely with me. She didn't even complain about anything. She is such a nice soul. I really hurted her badly. I should stop all this.

(Thinking about this she slept there only. Later Avu woke her up and told her to eat lunch.
Then later she also had lunch. They both slept for some time.)

In evening...

Abiding Love - A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now